Month: August 2003

  • You all are probably watching the big Amazing Race finale right now, aren’t you? Well, don’t friggin’ ruin it for me! I’m probably just going to take a break from the Internet for a day or two so I don’t get spoiled. Maybe I’ll be productive and, like, prepare for the move or something… at least until we manage to download the episode.

  • License plate seen while driving home: “GAY 666”. It was on a rusty little blue hatchback with a rainbow sticker. I swear I recognized the driver from my knitting group. 🙂

  • The Block has become the first Australian TV series format to be sold to major American broadcast network. I predict that this will be a huge hit back in the States. It’s like Trading Spaces crossed with Big Brother – DIY and reality TV all rolled up into one show!

  • Product Placement: My allergies have been terrible lately. I wake up with a sneezy, runny nose and watery eyes nearly every day. I was taking Clarinase and it helped, but it’s pseudoephedrine and it made me feel wired for hours. (Plus the pharmacists here are all worried that you’re going to use it to make crystal meth, so you can only buy seven tablets at a time.) I saw Zyrtec recommended on Glitter the other day and decided to give it a try. I’m on Day 2 and it’s great so far! That first little pill lasted a full 24 hours – no sneezing when I got up today. They’ve also got a neat website with a fun clicky-house thing that helped me determine that I’m probably allergic to dust and feathers. I guess it’s time to throw out my pillow!

  • One great side effect of our upcoming move is the opportunity to declutter. We’ve got so much crap! The Snook is such a little pack rat and it’s been rubbing off on me. I’ve been researching strategies to tackle the mess at Organized I think the classic Four-Box Method is what we need. Unfortunately I don’t think we have enough non-junky stuff to merit a real garage sale. Maybe I’ll offer up some stuff online…

  • Running Update: New personal best time for the mile tonight. 11:15. I’m closing in on ten!

  • The other day the Snook asked me if I’d seen any of the commercials advertising the upcoming Sydney vs. Collingwood Aussie Rules match. I said I hadn’t and asked why. “Because,” he said, “they stole your victory march!” Tonight I saw the ad myself and was able to confirm that the Sydney Swans’ anthem is indeed the Notre Dame Victory March. They’ve only changed three and a half lines!

  • According to the World Terrorism Index, Australia is currently the 38th most likely to be hit by a terrorist attack in the next year. The USA is sitting pretty at #4 and the UK’s at #10. Hey, at least we moved in the right direction, right?

  • In Australia you can say the F-word on television. (Well, after 8:30 anyway.) In fact, you can pretty much say anything you want. For instance, we get uncensored episodes of Sex and the City and The Sopranos on normal free-to-air stations, and Aussie Big Brother even has a special “Uncut” episode each week where they show all the boobies and curse words. I sorta assumed that it’s always been this way, but instead it turns out that 1997 was the year when everything loosened up. Why? Four Weddings and a Funeral. Ha!