I just realized that my alma mater’s newspaper has gotten a new domain name and a redesign. Hmm, I’m not sure I like it. It looks totally cookie-cutter. I also found it difficult to pick out the letters to the editor, which are always the best part of The Observer. (Today’s hilarity: a letter protesting the local TV station’s decision not to show Coupling. The guy’s argument is that the star of the replacement show – Spin City‘s Charlie Sheen – is at least as morally bankrupt as the British sitcom-remake. HA! I think a better argument is the fact that the only other area to ban it is in the heart of Mormon Utah and the Catholics will come out looking like overly-uptight religious crazies by association.)

Eeek! I got a letter yesterday from Tapestry Craft, which is the big knitting shop in Sydney. Check this out:

“Having come highly recommended to us by Liz Gemmell, Albert Morris, our manager, would like to offer your a teaching position in future classes. If you’re interested please contact us.”

How friggin’ cool is that? Liz Gemmell is a famous Aussie designer and knitting teacher. I had a class with her back in August and I guess I made an impression! (To be honest I didn’t learn much in the class, as the other three students didn’t know much at all. None of them had ever even thought to get a knitting book! I spent the whole time feeling like a suck-up and knitting ahead to provide examples for Liz.)

Anyway, I just talked to Albert on the phone and we’re going to meet up this weekend. It’s getting to the end of the season here (summer’s coming!) so most likely I wouldn’t do anything til next year. I’m excited though! I had a go at teaching my sister and cousin to knit while I was home and it was pretty fun. I’d love to teach a group of beginners and get them all fired up!

Trivia Update: Eh, we sucked tonight. Your questions: Name the five categories of sport that make up the modern pentathlon. Which two countries have one word names that end in “M”? Who played Radar O’Reilly on MASH? Who originally sang “Psycho Killer”? Used before SOS, what do the letters CQD stand for? We missed all of those but the last one.

Via the ‘FilterThe Most Phallic Building in the World. While I haven’t been to Ypsilanti to see the winner, I’m happy to report that the Snook and I did notice the Best Uncircumcised Building in the World when we were in London in July. (I believe his actual phrase was: “Hey, what’s that new big silvery gherkin-looking thing over there?”) We also have a good giggle everytime we visit Chicago and spot this building. My lesbian friends will be gratified to know that they’re not the only ones to spot the resemblance!