Month: October 2003

  • Dead FishEver wonder what would happen if Salacious Crumb, Admiral Ackbar, Aurra Sing, Jek Porkins, and Grand Moff Tarkin were locked in a glass box together for a year? Wonder no more… Tarkin would emerge victorious and the rest would all be dead. As proof I offer our fish tank, which suffered yet another death last night. We’ve lost one snail and three goldfish so far. See, this is why we don’t reproduce.

  • PW Blog

    At long last, I’ve managed to import the posts from my very first weblog ever! What, you thought w-g was it? Think again. I actually started blogging in September 2000 on the site. That blog didn’t last long but I’ve always wanted to incorporate the posts into my Archives here so as to provide an uninterrupted and comprehensive overview of my entire “blogging career”. And today, I did it! Of course, 90% of them are just dead links pointing to stories about Notre Dame and campus life, but there are a few gems in there (including a couple proto-posts from our own Brigita). Just go to the Archives and click on the first month. Have fun…