Month: October 2003

  • The Snook and I spent the best part of the afternoon today gardening. Yes, gardening. We needed to transplant our baby tomatoes and I’ve got lots of other veggies we need to start. (I found sweetcorn seedlings at Kmart! I told the Snook we had to get them. They’ll probably be hopelessly oversized for the…


  • What’s New in Mac OS X 10.3 Panther. Ninety percent of this stuff is “under the hood” as far as I’m concerned, but it’s nice to know it’s there.


  • Woohoo! I have officially upgraded to Panther. I got my copy this morning – along with a complimentary T-shirt! – and managed to save a hundred bucks courtesy of the educational discount. (Shh!) The upgrade itself went much more smoothly than I expected. I cleared off the iPod and used it to back up the…


  • Crud. Not only did the Herald not publish my letter, they sent me a really stupid response too. Read on if you want to see the exchange.My Letter:As an Atkins dieter myself (and twenty kilos lighter because of it), I’d like to say thanks for your great even-handed article. Unfortunately Mr. Matthews got one fact…


  • Holy crap! You can now search the actual text of over 120,000 books at Amazon. This would be awesome for research… Too bad I’m not in uni anymore. Though I suppose it’ll come in handy the next time I’ve got a phrase stuck in my head that I can’t identify!


  • Welcome home to Brigita‘s Mister, after a long, long time at sea.


  • Look at the Aussie dollar! Go, you good thing, go!


  • I miss Fall in Indiana. My Dad sent me that this morning.


  • Planning a trip to New Zealand anytime soon? I think the Snook and I are definitely going to have to check out these Lord of the Rings filming locations.


  • Lately I’ve been thinking about icons and usability, and specifically whether the little link, e-mail, and speech bubble icons before each post are intuitive. Most other bloggers seem to have settled on using text links. I worry that new visitors to the site won’t realize that they can leave comments. So I’m running an experiment.…
