Month: October 2003 (page 4 of 10)

Exasperated Co-worker: “I’m writing up some documentation for the new website administrator trying to explain how to update our site. And do you know what? Only one f***ing thing automatically updates! Seventy-five percent of this information already exists on our other sites but there’s no integration!”
Me: “I know… What’s the one thing that works?”
Her: “The distributors list.”
Me: “I WROTE THAT! *pause* It nearly killed me.

That totally made my day.

Another positive article on the Atkins Diet from today’s Sydney Morning Herald. Those of us who’ve actually taken the time to read his books will notice a glaring error though – “Atkins dieters are instructed to begin by eliminating all carbohydrates from their diet.” Wrong! I actually sent a letter to the editor to clarify. Fingers crossed it gets published!

Kristy vs. the Birds

Round 1: On our way home from work yesterday, Kevin and I were barreling down the highway when I noticed a pigeon dawdling in the road up ahead. “Better move little birdie!” I joked, fully expecting the bird to fly off any second. Suddenly WHUMP! Pigeon carcass flew past Kevin’s window. “AHHHH!” we both screamed. Thank heavens it didn’t fall into the open sun roof. What kind of idiot bird plays in traffic?

Round 2: Today at lunch I was sitting on a bench in the little park adjacent to our office and knitting happily away on a Hogwarts scarf. Suddenly a large bird fluttered down beside me. With horror I realized it was my avian nemesis… the kookaburra! He was big and creepy with a wicked-looking beak. (Yeah, yeah, so they’re not known for attacking people. I’m a big scaredy-cat though.) “Shoo, shoo!” I muttered while waving my arms. He regarded me impassively. I picked up a small twig and threw it, figuring that would drive him off. Instead he sat there and let it hit him, and I swear he narrowed his evil reptilian eyes. In desperation, I picked up my paper lunch bag from McDonald’s (I had the salad, of course) and threw it in a nearby bin, guessing that it was his ultimate aim. He didn’t budge. “All right,” I said. “You win. Have the damn bench.” I picked up my stuff and slunk back to the office while Mr. Kookaburra watched me triumphantly. Jerk bird.

Expats Against Bush. Excellent. Count me in.

Major Glitter thread purge! The site sure loads faster, but unfortunately all the lovely Halloween discussions are gone. 🙁

“I’m a goth and I vote.” I honestly fell for this one until I got to the line about Prozac. (Link courtesy of Graham.)

New poll! It’s two hours til the big Halloween party and you don’t have a costume. What’s the best last-minute option?

The iTunes Music Store has sold 1 million songs in 3.5 days. Alas, not one of them was to me. Anybody in the US mind if I switch my credit card address to your house?

In other products-I-desperately-want-but-can’t-get-my-mits-on news, the Snook has made great strides with our homegrown “TiFaux” DVR project. We’re using this system and so far he’s got it playing live TV, displaying the program guide, and recording shows. Unfortunately we seem to be getting some antenna interference from the computer itself so the quality leaves much to be desired. Of course, as soon as we spend a ridiculous amount upgrading the machine they’ll probably bring the real thing out here anyway.

The Ageless Project. Pretty pointless, but once I saw the lack of March 1977 blogs, I just had to add myself.

Holy crap. I was reading this interview with Mercedes McNab (aka Harmony from Buffy) when I came across this little nugget: James “Spike” Marsters is 41 years old! Whoa. He certainly doesn’t look it. Maybe he is a vampire. (Link courtesy of J.Go.)