Month: October 2003

  • Oh yeah, it’s on. Tonight at 7:30 pm – USA vs. Scotland. Go Eagles! Anybody in Sydney want to meet me at the pub for this one? Update: Poo. I can’t find anybody to go with and the Snook’s busy with his workmates tonight. This is a sign that I should go back to my…


  • You know how you meet people and you have a conversation and afterwards you think, “Hey, that wasn’t so bad. I liked them! We had fun! I think they liked me,” but then later you start obsessing over everything you said and you become more and more certain that you made a big ass out…


  • I spent the morning working on the invitation for our upcoming Halloween Housewarming Party. Check it out: Location and phone number blurred to frustrate would-be stalkers. Not that you’ll recognize me and the Snook in our super-duper top-secret costumes! (The pirate idea has fallen by the wayside.)


  • Big Read – the 100 best beloved books in Britain. Roald Dahl is on this list four times! The only authors with as many mentions are Dickens (tops with five), Pratchett, Rowling, and Jacqueline Wilson. (I’ve never heard of her; have any of you read any of her stuff?) By my count I’ve read 38…


  • Iron Chef has finally started Down Under and the Snook and I are stoked. I wonder what he’ll make of this Iron Chef Fan Fic though…


  • As penance for being a naughty knitter, I submitted myself to Pump class this morning. Now I feel as awful on the outside as I do on the inside!


  • The road to hell is paved with best intentions.Knitting is supposed to be fun, right? Not this week. I have become embroiled in a scandal involving two knitting mailing lists, a major knitting magazine, and a craft board. Let’s see if I can recap this coherently. (Names are, of course, obscured to protect the innocent…


  • Another nailbiter baseball game… Go Red Sox! Man, I wish I could watch or listen to this. ESPN’s GameTracker is nice, but following on a little Java scoreboard is pretty emotionless. Update: Damn it. Apparently the stupid GameTracker is way behind the actual game, because as I was following along nervously in the 10th inning…


  • iTunes for Windows is now available as a free download, which means all you American PC lusers can now purchase music from the iTunes music store to your hearts’ content while we loyal Apple fans that happen to live overseas cannot. Not that I’m bitter or anything.


  • Watching the Cubs game and crossing my fingers… and HEY! Apparently that guy who interfered on the foul ball yesterday went to Notre Dame. He’s my age too, which means that conceivably he was in my graduating class! I don’t recognize the name though. Research is required.
