Am I the only one that hopes this genetic discrimination law will be eventually used to protect homosexuals? As good ol’ Ted Kennedy says, “No American should be denied health insurance or fired from a job because of a genetic test.” Now all we need to do is find the genetic basis, and whoomp! There it is! How sneaky of Congress. I like it.
Month: October 2003
Critics of the Atkins Diet have long argued that people lose weight on it simply because they eat less food. Guess what? That may not be the case. Subjects in this study lost more weight on a higher-calorie, low-carb diet than others did on a low-calorie, high-carb diet. Guess not all calories are created alike, huh? I like how the researchers’ minds are clearly blown by these results. I guess this is encouragement for me to quit cheating and get back into Induction.
Last night that Snook got to watch his first episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. He seemed to like it, though he squirmed whenever I mentioned submitting him for a makeover from the upcoming Australian version. Hee. He needs it.* I amused myself at lunch today by reading those recaps from I really need to see the infamous Lisa episode.
* The beard is definitely out of control, but he refuses to trim it until we have our official housewarming party. Why? So he can style it like Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean.
Mac Users: What’s on your Dock? I found this fascinating. What’s with all these people anchoring it to the side? I’m very much a default bottom center person. I also liked seeing all the funky little applications people use. So come on, let’s see your Dock. I’ll take a screenshot tonight and post it when I get home.
Here it is. Hmm, I didn’t realize mine was so boring til now. From left to right that’s: Finder, Safari, BBEdit, iTunes, iPhoto, X11, Terminal, iCal, Mail, Launchbar, iChat, and Grab (which I had open to take the screenshot). On the other side is my Applications folder and minimized iCal and Mail windows. I’d customise it more but there’s not a lot of need. The apps in the Dock are the ones that get heavy usage and I generally use Launchbar to open anything else. I’ve got the bounce and genie effects turned on but I never use the magnification. It kinda creeps me out, the way they bulge out like that.
Max asks the question: “What things do you dislike that you’re not supposed to?” My answers would be Radiohead, William Gibson novels, animé, Nigella Lawson, tea, sushi, foreign arthouse films, and that whole nebulous category of music that we Hoosiers simply call “techno”. Sad but true.
Congratulations to my sister, whose marathon training continues. She just finished her first half-marathon! Way to go, Amy.
The Gallery of Ghastlies – Knitwear that never should’ve seen the light of day.
Woo! I am officially booked in for Camp Creative in January. I’m going to be doing the beading course. Fun!
I wish I had an office that overlooked the harbour. How cool would it be to look up from the computer and see whales frolicking nearby?
Interesting things I have learned recently
- USA is the reigning rugby Olympic champion. Seriously! They won the rugby gold medal at the 1920 and 1924 Olympic Games, the last year Rugby was an Olympic sport. I laughed so hard at that I nearly shot beer out my nose.
- Boudicca, my computer’s namesake, is supposedly buried under Platform 9 at King’s Cross Station. I wonder if JK Rowling knows this.
- Korea used to be spelled Corea. Many believe the Japanese — who controlled the peninsula four years before officially colonizing it in 1910 — changed the name by the time of the 1908 Olympics in London so that Japan would come ahead in the ordering of athletes. The Snook told me this the other night and I told him that he was full of crap. A little Googling today shows however that there is indeed a movement by the Koreans to change the international spelling of their name before the Athens Olympics. Most sane people think this is ridiculous.
I like to think you’re learning stuff when you visit my site.