Month: October 2003

  • Wow, the new US $20 bill is out. I like the color. Thanks to Aussie and British money, I’m a big believer in having different colored (and sized) bills. I got so confused in the US last June whenever a cashier would hand me a wad of identical green cash.

  • Panther is coming! Panther is coming! Hooray, we finally have a release date – October 24. That’s two weeks from tomorrow! I’ve been waiting for this for ages. I desperately need to repartition my hard drive and clear out some old crap but I’ve been waiting til my next major OS install to do it. Hmm, I wonder if any of the Apple stores in Sydney will be celebrating the release. I’m way too excited about this.

    Eek… $230 AU though. Ouch.

  • Trivia Update: We finished a respectable fourth out of fifteen teams tonight, though the winners beat us by more than ten points. (We’re fairly certain they cheat every week so we’re going to try to find a new place.) My own personal highlights were identifying the Coronation Street theme and remembering Bob Dylan’s real last name. A couple for you: What is the only country in the world whose name starts with the letter “O”? Which three men won the gold medals in the 100m, 200m, and 400m sprints at the Sydney Olympics? Which continent are aardvarks native to? Elton John used which mythical character’s name as his own middle name?

  • Dear Residents of California*,
    Thanks a friggin’ lot. It’s hard enough being an American living overseas – what with our President being a megalomaniacal assclown and all – and you had to go and elect the Terminator. My co-workers have been laughing about it all morning. There’s only so much defending I can do, and this is pretty much indefensible. I know the bumper stickers are going to be hilarious and all, but is that really justification for electing a Hitler-praising, debate-avoiding, no-policy-or-experience-having steroid-abusing womanizer? I guess I should just be happy that Indiana’s former status as “State who Elects the Dumbest Politicians” (courtesy of Dan Quayle) has finally been overshadowed.

    * Except for my sister, who wasn’t eligible to vote, and thus is exempt from my ire.

  • Note to Self: Study this list of world flags. It’s trivia night!

  • Snook sent me a link to this article alleging that Chip and Reichen have officially “divorced”. Too bad.

  • New Poll: What’s your tummy remedy?

  • I’m trying to talk the Snook into participating in the Blogger Boobie-Thon for Breast Cancer with me. He’s got nice boobies.

  • What do you eat when you’ve got, uh, an “upset tummy”? I woke up with a mild case of food poisoning this morning and I haven’t been able to keep a single thing in my stomach for longer than five minutes. I know I need to eat but I can’t think of anything low-risk. Thoughts?

  • Ma Snook and I are thinking about attending Camp Creative in a few months. It’s like summer camp for grownups! I like the sound of the beading, felting, and quilting courses. The Snook himself will not be attending though, as he thinks it will be full of “dirty hippies”.