Month: December 2003

  • Jesus the Hot Air Balloon

    Jesus the Hot Air Balloon. If I saw that at a distance I’d probably drive off the road. I think it might even be tackier than the Titanic Super Slide (in terms of tacky inflatables, that is).

  • Send a Virtual Gift

    Running out of cash to buy an awesome gift for that special someone? Send them an E-Gift! My friend Sharon Lee designed and built that site and it’s adorable. She’s such an awesome designer. I’m hoping to get her to do some stuff for the Dahl site. I can vouch that she won’t spam you or anything; it’s just a fun Flash widget to drum up interest in her design company. (If any MeFite wants to post it to the ‘Filter, please feel free. I’d have done it but I don’t want to get called out for a self-link.)

  • So what’s the deal with the US finale of Survivor? We just saw Christa get booted and apparently there are only two episodes to go. We’re getting one Sunday night and then the last on Monday. Does anybody know the US schedule? Basically, I’m trying to find out how long I have to go Internet-less to avoid being spoiled…

  • Create your own snowman. Kinda fun. I like these little fun Flash widget thingamabobs.

  • New Poll: Mom sent me a picture of little Joey sitting on Santa’s lap. I was surprised to see that the kid wasn’t screaming. Every picture of me on a mall character’s lap up til the age of five features me bawling my head off. I think the Easter Bunny was the worst. At least Santa is a recognizable human. Which mythological childhood character scared you the most?

  • I’ve got sympathy jitters.
    My sister’s marathon is this weekend and she’s pretty nervous. She’s been battling injuries throughout her training and she’s worrying that she’ll push too hard and hurt herself and not be able to finish. Have any of you done anything similarly difficult? If you’ve got time, feel free to leave your story and words of encouragement in the comments. I know she’d appreciate it. (And it would probably be more useful than my suggestion to “see a hypnotist.”)

  • In case you missed the announcement, Ask MetaFilter launched this week. Cool. I found the digital camera recommendations pretty helpful.

  • The winter Knitty is here! I definitely think little Joey needs a knitted coonskin cap.

  • TechTV’s Top 20 Gifts for 2003. Also known by its alternative title, “Kris’s Christmas List.”

  • When did Anderson Cooper go totally gray? My friends and I had the biggest crush on him in high school. I once wrote him a (joke, I swear it was a joke!) obsessive stalker fan letter. We would swoon over his twee flannel shirts and badmouth stupid Rawley Valverde, who would inevitably be sitting on his ass back at the “Hacienda” while Anderson dodged bullets in Bosnia. It’s disappointing to think that Lisa bloody Ling is probably the most famous Channel One alumnus. Anderson totally deserves to be a news-reporting megastar. Now if only he’d do something about that gray… (Link courtesy of Adrien.)