Month: January 2004

  • Fly, fly, social butterfly!

    The Snook and I have been uncharacteristically busy this weekend. Friday night we met up with Kristen and Mark on the Australian leg of their round-the-world tour at my favorite restaurant. A good time was had by all. That accounts for the first picture below. (Please disregard my crazy hair though. We were on Darling Harbour and it was being whipped in front of my eyes. It’s not normally that messy.)

    Me and Kristen

    Saturday we headed into the suburbs for the wedding of my coworker Martin and his fiancee Mimi. They’re Korean-Australian Catholics and we were among maybe a dozen non-Koreans at the ceremony (out of about 300). The whole mass was conducted in Korean. We didn’t understand a word. The food at the reception was fantastic though and I loved the traditional Korean dress Mimi changed into afterwards. (She promised to hook me up with one if/when I ever get married!) Thus the second two pictures, which show the happy couple along with the Snook and me. Afterwards we headed home for more socializing and recuperating before yet another engagement tomorrow…

    Martin and Mimi

    Me and Snook

    Sidenote for my sister, who cares about such things: Yeah, that’s a new dress. I just got it a couple days ago marked down from $90 to $40. It’s sorta silky see-through black with a shiny lining underneath, and the top is V-neck with a few sequins. It reaches about to my knees and then has an asymmetrical ruffly hem. (I know; I normally hate diagonal hems. But this one looked good on me, I swear!) The problem was the skinny spaghetti straps, and the fact that the dress had sort of a high, squarish racer back. I realized right away that I couldn’t wear a normal bra with it, so I went into the city yesterday for a strapless. I was actually surprised how comfy the strapless was (considering the weight of my boobage). It held up really well. It was only at the end of the reception, when I went to the bathroom and adjusted myself, that I realized how tightly it was digging into my ribs. But otherwise it worked well and made the dress look a lot better. Unfortunately it was cut a bit lower than stuff I normally wear, so I was constantly nervous and I made Rodd be on Bra Guard to make sure nothing showed. And yeah, before you mention it, I really need to get my hair dyed… Those roots are pretty shocking.

  • Mary-Ellis Bunim dies…

    Wow. I literally gasped when I read that Mary-Ellis Bunim had died. She was one of the creators of The Real World and thus could be credited with starting the whole reality tv genre.

  • Yeah, baby!

    Yeah, baby! I’m #150 on Blogdex with a bullet. I think that’s my highest ever. Come on; throw a little more linky-love my way, folks! 🙂

    Later: Bah. I’ve dropped off already.

  • New Apple Usenet Client

    Note to self: Download this new OSX Usenet client when you get home.

  • LOTR Photoshop Slash

    You’ve read the slash; now see the pictures! I can’t stop giggling. Somebody has photoshopped pictures of Lord of the Rings characters kissing. Mmm, Aragorn and Legolas. I can’t wait to get home and set that as my desktop. 🙂

  • Aussie Slang

    The Sydney Morning Herald today provided a small glossary of Aussie slang. Of those, I’ve really only ever heard “like a shag on a rock”, “flat out like a lizard drinking”, and “put the hard word on” before.

  • Nit-Pickers Guide to Lord of the Rings

    The Snook is going to love the Nit-Pickers Guide to The Lord of the Rings. It details every significant change from the books to the movies.

  • Apple Love

    I’m feeling the Apple love again since they launched their Logic Board Repair Program. Of course, my faulty iBook doesn’t fall within the accepted range (and I don’t think it’s a logic board issue anyway), but it makes me happy to see Steve and Co. doing the Right Thing here. I’m also enjoying watching all the Apple-haters backpedal in the ensuing Slashdot thread. Please pass the Kool-Aid!

  • Which Western feminist icon are you?

    Which Western feminist icon are you?

    My result: You are Gloria Steinem. You are the McDonalds(tm) of liberal feminism, though you used to expouse some pretty radical ideas, you ended up working the system. Because it’s easier? Maybe. But thanks for the only mainstream feminist magazine and for heading one of the most significant feminist lobbys in the history of the US. We wouldn’t be where we are without NOW and Ms., as much as some of us are loathe to admit it.

    I guess that’s all right, though I wish it was a little less negative. I think I only got her because I identified as “married.”

  • Napkin folding

    My co-worker Martin is getting married tomorrow. As soon as I entered the office this morning, he called me over and asked desperately, “Do you know any websites with instructions for folding napkins into fancy shapes?” Yes, he asked me this twenty-four hours before the ceremony. So I did some quick Googling and turned up this page of instructions. They’re actually pretty neat! He said he’s trying to decide between the cardinal’s hat and the rose. All I know is, if I walk into that reception hall tomorrow and see 300 napkin cardinal hats, I am going to lose it.