Month: January 2004

  • Grrr.

    You know what’s even more annoying than people who directly embed your images in their webpages? People who directly embed big honkin’ sound files from your site. Case in point. (Be sure to have your sound turned on to hear my revenge.)

  • Ebert Catches Hell from LOTR Fans

    In addition to Kurt’s victory, hobbits around the world have another reason to cheer: Several of them have taken Roger Ebert to task for his comments about Return of the King. Hmmm, Uncle Rog looks a bit like a hobbit himself…

  • World Idol Results

    Hooray for Kurt! I was predicting his victory all week based on the buzz from the ‘Net. Too bad for Guy, but he really didn’t choose the best song to show off. I don’t think he’ll mind losing very much though (as opposed to Kelly and Will, who both looked a little shell-shocked to see some of their scores). I was happy to see how well Peter did but a little surpisred that Ryan didn’t score more highly. I guess protest folk songs don’t play too well outside the western hemisphere.

    Commentary from our house…

    Me: “Elton John? He hasn’t been a legitimate popular music star in, like…”
    Snook: “Twenty years!”

    Me: “What the hell is up with the Pan Arabic scores? Did they try to use my super sneaky voting strategy?”
    Snook: “I think they messed up and voted backwards.”

    Snook: “Frickin’ Heinz again! Stupid fourteen-year-olds voting…”
    Me: “Heinz. Winkler. Two names no person should ever have.”

    Me: “Alex looks like your nephew Kurt on a bad hair day. She’s like a toddler who can’t grow proper hair yet.”

    We had an interesting debate over whether Shannon Noll (the Aussie runner-up) would’ve gotten more votes than Guy. On the technical side, he’s just not a great singer. He doesn’t move really well on stage. But on the “x factor” side, he’s kinda cute in a big-white-guy-with-a-soul-patch kinda way. He definitely would’ve been more what people expected as the “Aussie” Idol (i.e. way more Steve Irwin than Guy). He probably would’ve worn jeans and sang “Workin’ Class Man”, for example. So I reckon he would’ve picked up the teenage girl vote, plus the Crocodile Hunter and country music fans. As much as it pains me to say it, I think he’d have scored higher overall.

    Lastly, I’m still not getting the Will Young thing. He’s just so… weird-looking.

  • At least it’s not another monkey, right?

    My sock animal repertoire has grown… It’s my first sock doggie! Snookums has named him “Snuggles”.

    Snookums and Snuggles

  • Happy frickin’ New Year.

    Happy frickin’ New Year. The Snook and I went to the pool today and I thought I did a good job of protecting myself from the sun. We were out there for two hours and I had sunscreen, a shirt, a hat, the works. Afterwards I was sitting on the couch at home and I suddenly noticed that the back of my thighs felt uncomfortably hot. A mirror soon revealed the horrible truth… My bum is bright red! It’s sunburnt from my bikini to my knees. It hurts so badly I can barely sit. And this is my last two days of vacation! I had a lot of sitting-on-my-bum planned! Awwww… I’m going to have melanomas on my ass.

    Later: Thank God for ibuprofen. Seriously.

  • 2003: A Dave Odyssey

    2003: A Dave Odyssey. I’ve always liked Dave Barry…