Month: February 2004

  • iPod Zombies Eat New York

    Max found a funny article about the plague of New Yorkers using their iPods to tune out the world. I think the reporter was exaggerating a little bit though. There’s nothing intrinsically magical about an iPod that lets you tune out other people better than with a regular old Walkman. You can just do it for longer. I especially liked this quote from an iPodder:

    “It’s a society within itself… You’ve got your biker community, your hip-hop community. And now you’ve got your iPod community. It’s all about those wires.”

    Word. I’m so sick of waiting for Australia to get its shipment of In-Ear headphones!

  • WB Cancels Angel

    Looks like the WB has cancelled Angel. To be honest, I really have no idea what’s been happening on that show. The Snook and I are still back in Season 1 of the DVDs. I wonder if this means they can do a big happy ending with a SMG cameo? That’d be nice.

  • Three new things.

    Happy Valentine’s Day! The Snook and I celebrated with a night on the town. I did three new things that I’d never done before:

    • I ate a raw oyster! Seriously! With just a bit of lime juice! And I didn’t die.
    • I went to Star City, which is my first casino visit ever. It was insane. We didn’t bet anything.
    • We took the light rail home. Not exciting, but still a first for me.

    What did you do?

  • Webmonkey is leaving…

    Wow, Lycos laid off everybody at Webmonkey. And with that, the last vestige of the 90’s Internet boom is swept away…

  • Blaine??

    I’m all for Barbie ditching Ken, but what marketing wizard came up with “Blaine the Australian boogie boarder”? I’ve never heard of a single Blaine in the past two years.

  • Rice Krispie Hearts for Valentine’s Day

    Rice Krispie HeartsI decided to make some treats for the office tomorrow to celebrate Valentine’s Day. I did the usual Rice Krispie recipe but substituted pink marshmallows (strawberry flavor) instead of plain. That wasn’t quite pink enough, so I also stirred in a fair bit of red food coloring. They’re quite gruesome now, don’t you think? I also stirred in a bag of white chocolate chips which I hoped would remain whole but instead they just melted into the rest of the cereal. It’s fine; they still taste good. The hardest part was punching the damn things out with the heart-shaped cookie cutter. I tried to do it while they were still warm (so I could mush the leftover bits back together to make more treats) but they cooled rapidly and I had a hell of a time cutting them out. Still, they’re kinda cute and it’s always fun to put the whole office into sugar shock first thing Friday morning…

  • My brush with fame.

    This is where Kris’s ego instantly grows three sizes.
    My normal carpool buddy Kevin stayed home today so I had to bus it. (And, as Molly Ringwald utters in Sixteen Candles, “I loathe the bus.”) So there I was on the way home, slumped in the corner with my headphones on and a scowl on my face, when a nice looking guy slid into the seat next to me. Five minutes later I realized he’d put down his book and was staring intently at me. Anticipating another iPod encounter, I hit “pause” and turned to him.

    “This is going to sound really weird and stalkerish,” he said, “but you look really familiar.” I was all confused, like, “I do?” He next asked, “You’re American, aren’t you?” I was thoroughly bewildered at this point. “Yeah…?” “I read your blog!” No. Way. My jaw dropped. This guy seriously recognized me from this site. I was like, “You’re sure you’re not a stalker?” Nope, it turns out his name is Andrew and he’s a fellow Sydney blogger. How cool is that? I had to SMS the Snook immediately and tell him how famous I am. He was suitably impressed.

  • Annoyances

    – There are no Apple In-Ear Headphones in stock in all of Sydney. I called every Apple Centre in the metropolitan area. My shallow desire to sport visible white headphones has been thwarted.

    – Has anybody else noticed that MetaFilter‘s been down for three days? I can’t find any status information on the usual sites and I’m craving a ‘Filter fix.

  • Atkins exonerated

    Excellent. Business 2.0 magazine has published photos of Dr. Atkins taken two months before his death. That is not a man that weighs 260 pounds.

  • Anniversary gifts

    My co-worker’s seventh wedding anniversary is coming up and today he was brainstorming ideas for a present. So I did a little research and turned up this list of traditional anniversary gifts. Needless to say, he was less than enthusiastic about his options (wool, copper, or a “desk set” if you want to go the modern route). My boss got all excited when he saw the choices for his upcoming ninth anniversary: willow or leather. I waited for the inevitable dirty joke. “Fantastic!” he said. “She can get me a cricket bat!”