Month: July 2004

  • gCount

    Mac users: I just found a great little application called gCount that automatically checks my Gmail account for new messages. Pretty neat.


  • How many of these 100 Wonders of the World have you seen? I had fifteen, but only because we saw, like, all of the Italy ones on our trip last year.


  • How many hate groups are in your state? Indiana has fifteen and (as I expected) most are KKK groups. My parents went to high school in Butler, which is, like, their national headquarters or something. (Link courtesy of Max, who unfortunately has to contend with “Neo-Confederates”.)


  • My First Day The Good: Well, that was different! I can honestly say I did more work in the past eight hours than I did in the previous four months at Epson. It was all pretty interesting, too. We had a lot more people in than I expected and I was kept busy ringing up…


  • New hair for a new job.     It doesn’t make me look old, does it?


  • Five Questions

    Five Questions:I enjoyed reading Robert’s interview so much that I asked to play along. Here are the questions he sent me: 1. You’ve talked before about the American foodstuffs you miss. However, if you were to move back, what are the Australian ones you would feel like you would die without?That’s a difficult one. I’m…


  • Wedding Site

    Introducing Now don’t get excited! It’s not for me and the Snook. 🙂


  • Free at last.

    Free at last!Yesterday was my last day at Epson. Man, last days are fun. Everybody’s nice to you and you get presents and stuff. It makes you wonder why you wanted to leave in the first place! (But only for a second.) We all went out to the Ranch for lunch and then in the…


  • Ben’s Game

    This one’s for my sister, who works for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of California. A nine-year-old kid named Ben was in remission from leukemia and told the Make-a-Wish Foundation that he wanted to design a video game that would help kids like himself with the pain and stress. LucasArts stepped in to make the…


  • Sex and the Knitty

    Lordy, lordy. Sex and the Knitty is here! The Snook caught me ogling this pattern and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. (I like the sizing designations myself. Hee.) And hello? Edible panties knit out of licorice ropes? That is the coolest thing ever.
