Can’t talk. Completely obsessed with finishing sixth Dark Tower book. Am intensely afraid that Susannah’s going to die. Must read now.
Month: August 2004
Kissing Dementors
“Kissing Dementors: Fear and Social Discipline in the Harry Potter Novels.” Very interesting essay. (Link courtesy of Troppo Armadillo.)
Robert McKee Down Under
Oh my gosh. Robert McKee is bring his famous Screenwriting Seminar Down Under! He’s the “hack” that Charlie Kaufman and Spike Jonze took the piss out of in Adaptation. Too bad it’s $600… Might have been good for a laugh.
Camp Creative 2005
I opened the mailbox tonight to discover the Camp Creative 2005 Course List. Sweet! Right now I’m loving some of the selections in the craft category. Would it be weird if I did the “Working With Wood – Making a Chair” class? I dunno; I just have a strange urge to try my hand at some carpentry. (My father is probably laughing right now, given that he was the recipient of my lopsided 7th-grade shop class wooden toolbox.) I also like the ceramics and stone carving. Decisions, decisions! Anybody else interested in heading up to Bellingen next January? I’m sure we can all camp out at Ma and Pa Snook’s… 🙂
30,000 baby!
Woohoo! I think I just won the 30,000th visitor contest over at The Zero Boss. Finally being in an obscure time zone is an advantage!
Scary cat.
Scary cat. *shudder* Now you’ll all have nightmares too.
Tooting my own horn
It’s official! Introducing the newly-appointed manager of Tapestry Craft… yours truly. I’m feeling good about the new challenges and a little stressed about the responsibilities, but mostly I’m just stoked about the nice raise. I’ve gone from making 50% of my Epson salary to now making 70%. Hey, at least it’s going in the right direction now, huh?
Dude, where’s my fetus?
Me: Ooh, change the channel. I think that fetus thing is coming on.
Snook: What fetus thing?
Me: Oh, you know, the documentary that woman made that’s been in all the news. What’s it called?
Snook: Not Without My Fetus?
Me: *giggle*
Snook: Dude, Where’s My Fetus? The Fetus Strikes Back?
Me: *uncontrollable laughter*It just continued on from there. Five days later we’re still throwing out gems like 2001: A Fetus Odyssey and Citizen Fetus. It’s fun. Try it.
Note: For the record, the film was called My Foetus, which is obviously way too lame and unmemorable. And it has that weird “o” in it.
Sweet Mittens
Sweet mittens, eh?
So I finally finished my own pair of Broad Street Mittens with just a few weeks of winter left to spare. As you can see, mine are knitted in navy “argyle” sock wool from Heirloom. I basically followed the pattern as written (with a few exceptions based on the error I mentioned in the previous post). And yeah, I embroidered “DUDE” and “SWEET” on the backs of the mitten flaps in a subtle red wool. Heh. Somehow I doubt many of my fellow commuters are going to get the joke. -
Move messages to Gmail
Mac users: Check out this great idea for moving all your e-mails over to Gmail. I’m gonna try it out.