Month: September 2004

  • New things

    I got two new things delivered in the past 24 hours! The first is my sexy she19 T-shirt urging my fellow American women to “make their mark” by voting in the next election. Dressy yet political. I wore it to work today because I’m funky like that. Second is a big bouquet of flowers set to us by Ma and Pa Snook! The arrangement was apparently called “Golden Birds”, which explains the birds of paradise and weird little fake bird nestled in the middle. Ma Snook also made a point of including gerberas because she knew they were my favorite. Isn’t that sweet? Unfortunately the cat took one look at the arrangement and fled in terror to the bedroom. Thus the flowers have to live in the laundry room when we’re not home to prevent attacks.

    Me in my she19 shirt     Golden Birds

  • Spoiled.

    Crap. I thought I had at least another 24 hours before I had to go on Amazing Race spoiler alert. Instead I fired up my Yahoo home page and there it was, right in front of me. Double crap. At least it only told which state the winners were from, which limits it to two of the four for me. (And actually that’s kinda good, because it means the team I hate didn’t win!)

  • Bush = Hurricanes

    Vote for Bush, get hit by three hurricanes. The facts don’t lie!

  • New poll…

    New Poll: What the heck do you wear when you get married by Elvis? I’m leaning towards the daggy tourist look – mostly because it’ll be the most comfortable – but I could be persuaded.

  • Theme switchery

    What with all this romantic mooshiness, I switched up the default theme on the site to the old “Valentine’s Day” design. (If you don’t notice any change, you have a cookie set so you’ll have to do it manually.) I just figured it was appropriate. Hmm, I should make some new themes already…

  • More Wedding Stuff

    Thank you guys so much for all the wonderful messages! It’s just reinforced the idea that this is the right thing for us to do. I mean, our day-to-day situation isn’t changing yet people still seem so excited for us. To me, this means that there really is something there, some value in making this commitment public and sharing it with all our friends and loved ones. So yeah, it’s a little scary but exhilarating too. I’m loving saying it to people. “I’m getting married.” I said it to the man in the liquor store the other day and he gave us a free bottle opener! I figure this is a coupon I’ll only have once, so I better take advantage of it, right?

    On that note, I’ve had a couple inquiries about sending gifts. (Well, really it was only my aunt and my grandma at this stage, but again, limited time coupon…) So if you’re inclined to send us something, we have both an Amazon Wish List and an Amazon Wedding Registry. The Wish List is just my regular one with “WEDDING” comments indicating the things we both want. The Registry is for the stuff they won’t ship overseas, which is why it’s going to my Mom’s address. Note that none of this is traditional stuff like toasters and china, mostly because we already have all the crap. Plus we really, really need a PlayStation. But as the Snook recently pointed out to me, a wedding gift is really just a ticket to the wedding reception, and as our reception will be (at this point) entirely virtual, feel free to take a pass on the gift. We’ll swing by everybody’s towns some day and have a beer together. (Edited to add: If you want our mailing address in Sydney, just drop me an e-mail.)

    Wedding Guests
    It’s so sweet of you guys to offer to join us, but seriously, please don’t bother. We sorta accepted a while ago that with my family on one continent and his on another (and friends everywhere in-between), it’s impossible for us to have the big everybody-together dream wedding. That’s partly why we decided on the Vegas option. If it’s just us, nobody gets left out. We’re definitely doing the Internet stream, though, so hopefully everybody that wants to have a peek can be included. And there’ll be pictures and video on this site, you can bet. So thanks for the offers, but please save up your money and come visit us in Sydney instead. It’s starting to get really nice and warm and sunny around these parts…!

    One Last Thing
    I just want to reiterate that in no way did I mean my little announcement message to be “hateful” or to impugn anybody that has a “traditional” wedding. (Most people got that, but not everybody.) Anybody that’s been reading this site for a while knows that my feelings about marriage are really complicated. So when I say that I wouldn’t have a traditional wedding, I’m only saying that that isn’t the right option for me. That should be obvious, right? That doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate that they’re important for you, nor am I saying that my way is better overall. So sorry if I unintentionally offended anybody. (These shiny, shiny princesses are so sensitive…)

    Just kidding.

  • Disassembled iMac G5

    Disassembled iMac G5. Oh man, I’m getting excited! Too bad my delivery is still scheduled “on or before October 12.”

  • Daggiest. Cardigan. EVER.

    Round the World CardiganDaggiest. Cardigan. EVER.
    So today we were in recovery mode from Major’s birthday party yesterday, which also saw us break the wedding news to the Snook’s college buddies. (Hence, lots of drinking and merrymaking.) Despite my fuzzy-headedness I managed to get a lot of knitting done this afternoon. I finished another ball on my main project so I granted myself some reward time on my side project: the Round-the-World Cardigan. It’s my first intarsia project and I’m having a lot of fun with it. Today I finished off the top of South America and most of the Caribbean. The pattern is from a totally daggy 80’s knitting book that Mrs. Morris (who owns the shop) lent me. I love it! I’m using Nova Super Chunky and it’s surprisingly soft and touchable for having so much acrylic in it. (It was the only thing thick enough to get gauge that had the necessary colors.) Hopefully I’ll have it finished before I go home in two months so I can show it off!

  • Board Games Night

    PS – Still recovering from Board Games Night with Andrew and Kathleen last night. At least both my teams – Pictionary and Scrabble – were victorious. I think “Treasure tits!” ranks up there with “Baby fish mouth!” in terms of all-time bad Pictionary guesses, though…

  • Cancel the hog trough.

    Cancel the hog trough.
    As the news should’ve reached most of our immediate family by now, I guess it’s safe to let the cat out of the bag. It didn’t seem to come as a surprise to most people, so I doubt it’ll shock you folks… but for the record, yes, the Snook and I will be getting married in Las Vegas in two months. By Elvis. And yes, it’ll be broadcast live on the Internet so you’ll all get to watch. Fun, huh?

    Addendum: I forgot to add a HUGE thank you to my sister Amy, who kindly consented to let her thunder be stolen a little bit so we could get married on the way to her wedding. She’s the bomb, yo.Now for those of you wanting romantic details, there are none. No one “proposed” to anybody else, and no jewelry has changed hands. I mean, eww. That just isn’t us. So here’s the story: We first discussed getting married three years ago when we were planning the move to Australia. It was along the lines of a, “Hmm, you wanna stop in Vegas? Well, I will if you will,” kinda thing. It turned out that we didn’t need to do it for the visa, so we didn’t. The issue was always kinda out there though, especially as my family kept asking us why we didn’t. Basically it was because we didn’t have any good reason. We’re not religious. Our “defacto” status (which basically means “common-law marriage”) in Australia pretty much ensures us the same legal rights as if we were married. Politically, I find it despicable that the government (of both the US and Australia) wants to restrict marriages to heterosexuals. Every time John Howard or George Bush starts talking about the sanctity of marriage and the importance of procreation I start to see red and dry heave. I don’t have any desire to be the shiny princess in a white dress and get handed to a husband like a piece of property. (Just my take; no offense to those who want the fairytale.) So why the change of heart?

    Really, I think it was at Rodd’s Aunt Linda’s birthday party a few weeks ago. Her girlfriend Sue made a speech and then proposed to her in front of all their family and friends. I kept thinking about it for days. I mean, they can’t legally get married. So what was the point of proposing? Obviously it was a big moment for them. Why? Eventually I came to the conclusion that it was the fact of making it all public. We knew they’d been off-and-on for years, but now Sue was telling everyone that she intended to be there for the long haul, that she was making a public commitment to be with this person from now on. And I saw the good in that. Linda knew that Sue was willing and unembarrassed to tell the world how she felt about her. They also knew that by making their relationship “public property” in a way, that there was now the pressure to make it work. We know how they stand. That’s a good thing. And I decided that if it’s good for them, it’d be good for us.

    So that was pretty much it. I told the Snook what I’d been thinking about, and that I felt I’d finally reached a reason that I could live with. He agreed. And since we always said that we’d only do it if we could get married by Elvis in Vegas… the rest sorta fell into place. So no, no proposal on bended knee or shiny three-months-worth-of-salary blood diamond. Just a shy decision inspired by a couple of lesbians. That’s one to tell the grandkids, huh?