Crap. As expected, Apple just e-mailed me to say my G5 iMac will arrive “7-10 business days” later than expected. Does anybody know if they’re shipping in the US or UK yet?
Month: October 2004
Australians all let us rejoice…
So, Amy’s a citizen of Australia now! Actually she’s a dual American-Australian, which is what I hope to be in about eighteen months. The ceremony was held in Mosman and I went along to celebrate with her. She basically just had to pledge allegiance and then she got a certificate and a native plant. Pretty sweet! There was a sour edge to the evening for me, though, in the form of a famous visitor in the midst: Tony Abbott! (He’s the Leader of the House and the Federal Minister for Health and Aging. He’s also a raging conservative asshole.) Didn’t he just get out of the hospital for kidney stones yesterday? And here he was, four days before a national election, spending the evening in front of a group of people who weren’t even eligible to vote for him! His speech afterwards was polished but uninspiring, I have to say. (When he started talking about Australia’s “freedom” I half-expected him to congratulate the new citizens on becoming part of the Coalition of the Willing.) You’ll be proud to note that after a short internal battle, I managed to resist the urge to question him about the Pauline Hanson slush fund and kick him in the nuts. Man, I’ll never have another chance like that again…
And I just realized that I spelled his name wrong on the photo, but I don’t really care.
Australians, all let us rejoice!
Congratulations to Amy for becoming an official Australian citizen tonight. I’m counting on her for lots of helpful tips about this whole dual-citizenship thingy.
The man who stole Jimi Hendrix’s hair.
Real Embarrassing Photos: The Man Who Stole Jimi Hendrix’s Hair
I was going through some old pictures the other day when I came across this absolute gem. Yes, folks, that is the Snook. In college he had big hair, a dodgy goatee, and – what’s more amazing to me – he actually wore blue jeans! Who is this person? It blows my mind. I’m putting this out there for anybody wondering if I know what I’m getting into with this whole marriage-thing. Oh yes, you betcher ass I do. I figure a guy who can laugh at his former self – and give permission for the world to laugh along with him – is a real keeper. Click here for some better views of the ‘fro in all its glory.And yeah, I turned up some doozies of me. Stay tuned…
Chillin’ with the sperm.
AskMetaFilter tackles the questions enquiring minds want to know: Why, evolution-wise, do the testes hang outside a human body? Come on, you wondered that too…
The clearing at the end of the path.
It’s been over ten years… but I’ve finally come to the clearing at the end of the path. I have finished Stephen King’s The Dark Tower. In fact, I read over six hundred pages today; I couldn’t put it down. You remember how I thought the sixth book kinda sucked? Well, this one didn’t. It tied up loose ends and hurtled from action sequence to action sequence with a speed that left me shaking my head. (“Snookums, he spent all of that last book setting up cliffhangers that were resolved in the first forty pages!”) When the ka-tet was finally broken about halfway through the book, I sobbed like a baby for half an hour. I’m still tearing up just thinking about it. (“F**king ka!”) I found King’s inclusion of himself as a character much less irritating this time around, mostly because he wasn’t in it much. I liked finding out what happened to Randall Flag, Ted Brautigan, and Patrick Danville. And as for the ending, which probably pissed a lot of people off? I think what happens to Roland makes a weird sort of sense. It’s not exactly satisfying but it’s not the cop-out I feared. I’m left with hope. As for the rest of the ka-tet… I think that was a bit of a cop-out, but I’m still a sucker for a happy(-ish) ending.Man, I hope the Harry Potter series ends as well.
9 Times the iPod Goodness.
So did I mention that the Snook and I both got new iPods on the weekend? Well, we did. We’d been thinking about getting new mobile phones for some time – since we both just have crappy pay-as-you-go Nokias – but we hadn’t done anything about it yet because we’re lazy. Then on Thursday the Snook discovered that Strathfield have a deal on where you buy a Sony Ericsson T610 and get a free 20GB iPod. Pretty sweet! We headed over Friday afternoon and spent hours waiting around while they transferred our numbers and upgraded our accounts. It was worth it though… I’ve even got a camera in my phone now! Oh yes, “moblogging” will be happening soon. This is, like, partial technological redemption for the whole TV-exploding debacle…
Australian Idol
Woohoo! The weird little opera guy Daniel finally got booted on Australian Idol tonight. He seemed nice enough but I got really sick of overly theatrical style. (You’re next, Hayley!) I’m totally in the Ricki-Lee camp. She rocks! She’s Australia’s own Beyonce. Chanel and Marty are sentimental favorites, but I don’t think either of them has the star power to win it.
Comment spam fightback
I had a couple more comment spams today so I finally implemented my “moderation on old posts” plan. Basically, any post older than two weeks is still open but new comments don’t appear until I approve them. Let me know if you notice any weirdness. (You shouldn’t.)
Ebert’s new site
Wow, Ebert’s new site has finally launched! Now I can finally read all 500+ entries in his Little Movie Glossary. I was amused to note that he uses a Powerbook (naturally). I was not amused to note his wedding ring. 🙁
Later: Yowch. The site update has broken every single review link from the IMDb. Bad move, web developers.