Month: November 2004

  • The KFS Sweater Project

    The KFS Sweater Project: a guy models 25 extremely daggy sweaters that he pulled out of his wardrobe. Let this be a cautionary tale for knitters everywhere.

  • iApology

    Check out the iApology at (Scroll down halfway.) Note the track number as well as the time elapsed/left in the song. Very clever, eh?

  • Delicious Library

    Here’s a glowing review of Delicious Library, which I downloaded a few days ago. It’s an OS X program that helps you maintain your collection of books, movies, CDs, and video games. That sounds boring, but it’s actually pretty jaw-dropping. I was just messing around with it, playing with the demo collection, when I hit the “Scan Barcode” button. My iSight popped up a black-and-white video window with laser scanlines on it. Curious, I held the nearest book up in front of it. Five seconds later, my computer said (actually said, mind you): “The Complete Novels of Jane Austen.” And there it was, sitting on the little virtual shelf with all the data loaded in from Amazon! I was like, “Get OUT!” That is pretty damn sweet. I figure I’ll wait til we get back from the trip to drop the $40 on the license and give the thing a real workout.

    See? I can shill with the best of them. Too bad in this case it’s because I actually like the product, and I’m not getting anything in return. Take that, Warner Brothers!

  • Conflicted.

    I’m conflicted. Remember how I was ranting about the new Wonka movie? Well, I just got an e-mail from someone at Warner Bros. asking me to plug the movie on my Dahl site. They’ll send me a poster if I do. So here’s the conundrum: This is information about a Roald Dahl adaptation, and presumably most of his fans will be interested in it. So I should just post it, right? On the other hand, to me the movie looks like it’s going to piss all over the original story. I’d rather not act as a shill for that. So should I do it? The principled bit of me says no; the not-so-principled bit is shrieking “Maybe they’ll invite you to the Sydney premiere and you can meet Johnny Depp!” over and over. Stupid, I know.

  • Last minute wedding gift?

    Um, so if any of y’all are looking for a last minute wedding gift for us… we’ll take this. Seriously. That would be sweet. 🙂

  • The Tale of Creepy Jesus Lady

    The Tale of Creepy Jesus Lady
    This happened on Saturday afternoon. This hippie-lookin’ lady came in about ten minutes before closing and immediately gave off the you’re-going-to-be-here-for-another-half-hour vibe. Great. I also noticed that she was wearing a big circular cardboard pendant around her neck with “JESUS” written on it in ink pen. Things did not look good. She grabbed a basket and started loading up (but without any particular sense of urgency). I was busy helping a few stragglers so I lost track of her for a bit. Eventually I noticed her pestering Albert up at the other counter. She’d heard me mention that the new store will have a coffee shop and she decided that she had the perfect name for it. It was so long that she actually had to write it down. It was something like: “Tapestry Craft Total Tea Shop Creative Coffee Cafe.” (As she put it, “So you could just refer to it as the TCTTSCCC!”) Albert somehow managed to keep a straight face and launched into a great performance of “How to Deal with Crazy People.” He thanked her and said he’d give her a call back about it. He grabbed a piece of paper to write down her contact details. “What name should I put?” “Jesus.” Say what? We both looked at her. “Or you could put YESHUA,” she happily announced, turning over her cardboard pendant to reveal that very name on the other side. Uh-huh. Albie high-tailed it out of there, leaving me to deal with her as she finalized her purchases. As I was ringing her up, I went into the standard store patter of asking how she’d heard about our sale. “Oh, I didn’t know about it,” she said. “I don’t get out much, but I’m a CHRISTIAN, and I pray for EVERYTHING. It was a MIRACLE from CHRIST that I made it here for the sale today.” Really? “Yes, the last time I came you were closed. So it was a MIRACLE from JESUS that you were open today.” Wow, most folks just read the sign with the opening hours on the door. I just kept nodding and smiling. With a flash of inspiration, I asked if she went to any knitting groups. “No! But I’d love to. Where do you find out about that stuff?” she asked. “The Internet,” I answered solemnly. “Are you on the Internet?” Regretfully, she said she was not. And thus I was able to ascertain that it was safe to talk about her on my website. Clever, no? I can’t wait to see what happens when she finds out that we passed on her TCTTSCCC suggestion.

  • Sorry Everybody

    Sorry Everybody. Americans apologize to the rest of the world for not ousting Bush. Some of those photos are great.

  • OS-tan

    OS-tan: Japanese fan-created anime girls that personify various computer operating systems. Geeky but fascinating.

  • Cousin Happy speaks!

    Um, did any of you Hoosiers notice – and you might not have* – that the actual Cousin Happy of Happy’s Place left a comment here yesterday?!

    * You probably didn’t see it because it’s an old post, so comments don’t show up immediately. That’s part of my anti-spam efforts.