Indiana goes to Bush. Yeah, I saw that one coming a mile away. Huh, I wonder what I have to do as an absentee voter to change my address to a state where my vote might make more of a difference…
Month: November 2004
A Month of Softies
A Month of Softies is a new group craft project started by loobylu. Basically, she provides a theme each month and everybody crafts something that uses it. At the end of the month, everybody sends her a picture of what they made. Neat, huh? The theme for November is “The Accessorized Elephant.” I’ve already got lots of ideas for it… but I probably won’t have any chance to make anything, since we leave for the States in, like, two weeks. ACK. (Link courtesy of Kirsty.)
iPod Backup Battery in an Altoids Tin
iPod Backup Battery in an Altoids Tin. Now that is cool.
My Gay Agenda
Oh, man! I really, really want a Gay Agenda. (Link courtesy of Awful Cufflinks.)
Vegas, baby! Vegas!
I’ve created a new theme in honor of our impending connubials.
iPod “socks”?
What-what-what? iPod Socks??? I knitted my first iPod garment eight months ago! Come on, Steve. I deserve some credit.