George gets political. I knew that the parallels were going to be in the movie, but I didn’t expect him to actually discuss them with the media. I guess I sorta had the feeling that ol’ George had become a bit conservative in his old age, what with the billions of dollars, the racist stereotype characters, and the complete lack of sex in his movies. Now that I think about it though, he’s quite the original California hippie radical, isn’t he? I especially liked the bit where he talks about the U.S. funding Hussein and the parallels to the war in Vietnam. Go George!
Month: May 2005
Colourways Wrap II
Colourways Wrap II
Man, I feel like it’s been ages since I had a Finished Object to report! This is a sample I designed and knit for the shop. We had an original “Colourways Wrap” from a few years ago, but this one uses slightly different yarns (and an extra ball) so the pattern needed to be rewritten. They’re all Anny Blatt yarns, which means this is one of the most expensive items I’ve ever knitted. All seven yarns are carried the full length of the wrap, which means I had to resort to putting the balls in sandwich bags to avoid creating the World’s Biggest Knot. But at last, it’s done! We’ve got the range of yarns in several different colors and we plan on selling them as a kit. So anyway, yeah, from tomorrow my first official pattern will go on sale in the shop! Pretty neat, huh? -
Tetris Shelves
Tetris Shelves. I LOVE THAT. How pathetic is it that upon looking at the unit on the left, I immediately started planning the next moves to fix the “hole”? Very. (Link courtesy of John.)
Perfect Sideburns
Oh Snookums… This is for you.
The Matrix is coming.
US Robot Builds Copies of Itself. Does this completely blow anyone else’s mind?
Dirty Monitor
Is your monitor a little dusty? Try this. (Cutest link EVER courtesy of John.)
Tie me Kangaroo Down, Sport
Huh? Rolf friggin’ Harris is going to be painting Queen Elizabeth’s 80th birthday portrait. That’s right, the guy who invented the wobble board and sang “Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport.” (The Snook informs me that he thankfully no longer sings the “Let me Abos go loose, Bruce” stanza.)
The Power of the Dark Crystal
Like Kevin, I’m hopeful that I’ve grown up enough that the forthcoming Dark Crystal sequel wouldn’t scare the bejeezus out of me the way the original did… but who are we kidding, right? The sight of that poor little Podling in the Skeksis torture machine will HAUNT MY NIGHTMARES FOREVER.
More Sew Fast So Evil bitchery.
More Sew Fast, Sew Evil bitchery. The pseudo-anonymous Karen, who’s been running around leaving identical nonsense comments in support of SFSE (on blogs like mine, Amy’s, bitter girl‘s, and girl from auntie‘s, among others), has started her own blog in an attempt to discredit the critics. Whatever. I love that she’s already deleting comments too.
Kristine Ronssdottir
All day I’ve been following this Ask MetaFilter thread about whether most women change or keep their names upon getting married. My own contribution is in there, but just in case any of you didn’t get the memo, I kept my name. We toyed with the idea of combining our names into some SuperSurname, but “Snook” and “Howard” don’t really form anything cool. Besides, I can’t imagine changing something so fundamental about my identity. It’s not a genealogy thing so much; there’s lots of Howard boys to carry on the line. It’s just that I’ve been Kristy Howard for so long that it would be too weird to be anything else. I’m willing to concede that my feelings might be different if my surname were difficult to pronounce or spell, but Howard is just about perfect: everybody recognizes it yet it isn’t as boring or ubiquitous as Smith or Jones. (Apologies to any offended Joneses.) Anyway, I was intrigued by this comment from the thread:
Data point: in Korea all women keep their family surnames. This seems paradoxical, given the low status of women in Korean society, but it’s all about bloodlines here. Paternal ones.
How about that? I was following ancient Korean tradition without even realizing it!