Lefty Tim to win!

Hooray! I’m not the only one who favors Lefty Tim to win this year’s Big Brother. I hate everybody else on that show except for Kate, who I thought was pretty, but who I am now ambivalent about since I found out she’s a big Liberal John Howard supporter. Oh, and the rest of the stuff on that BB mini-blog is pretty damn funny…

Craft Show 2005

moblogged imageCraft Show 2005
Check it out – a yarn with my name!

Just got back from my annual visit to the Craft Fair, and I have to say it seemed a lot better this year. It was still 75% quilting booths but the quality of the knitting wools on offer was much higher. I still saw some $1.50 Feathers knockoffs, but overall there seemed to be a trend towards hand-dyed natural fibers. I went along with Miss Jane (from the TC Stitch and Bitch), who inspired me to go on a bit more of a spending spree than I’d planned. I started off small, by indulging my now yearly habit of picking up a couple balls of sock wool from Bendigo Woollen Mills. Then I stopped in to talk to Don from Prestige Fibres, just to say hi… and somehow I ended up with eight balls of Superbaby Alpaca. (He’s selling them for an incredible price, so if you want any, get your bum down there.) That will become the basis of the argyle cardy that’s gestating inside my brain. I also got a big ball of self-patterning “Online Super Socks” from Yarns Galore. Lastly I stopped by Stick to Your Knitting, where I was promptly recognized by the owner Janette. She honestly came up to me and went, “I know you! I read your blog!” (As if I didn’t have a big enough head anyway.) Turns out Mary-Helen gave her my link. I got a couple pairs of Addi Turbos there – At last! I will be the fastest knitter in the world! Mwa ha ha ha! – and a tiny belated birthday gift for Amy. Janette also set me up with an STYK bag so I can make my boss Albert’s head explode. Jane and I also stopped by the Knitter’s Guild Booth, where I ran into Pam North again (she does the Guild newsletter) and got to meet a few other ladies from the suburban groups. Lastly, I somehow decided to give sewing another try with a kit to make the COOLEST handbag ever. The fabric has pin-up girls on it! I hope I don’t bugger it up…

Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning
I was checking out my referers list and it looks like I’m still getting hit hard by comment spammers and message board scammers. GAH! I figured the easiest thing to do was just delete a few of the problematic posts. People take everything out of context.


DietBlog: Holy crap. I’ve officially lost 10% of my body weight! I was actually 100 grams short when I first got weighed, but my group leader Emily insisted I step up again – this time without my shoes – so I could cross the proverbial line into double digits. I was awarded a little gold “star” charm for my keychain. Hooray! Unfortunately Emily then asked me to tell all the new girls how I was doing it, like it was going to be this big inspirational moment, and instead I was like, “Uh, I haven’t really followed the program for a month now. I just got lucky with the BEST SICKNESS EVER.” (BSE? I must have mad cow disease.) So I sorta feel like a bit of a cheat, but hey, pounds is pounds, right? I also feel like I might have turned the last corner on this sickness. My doctor’s got me on antibiotics and my energy is finally starting to return. The sad thing is that now the Snook, the yin to my yang, has caught it himself. Poor dear’s been home for three days trying to recuperate. (I hate to see him feeling bad, but I do so love it on the very rare occasions when he lets me baby him.)