Madam Pince (Amy) and Sirius Black aboard the Hogwarts Express. We’re on our way!
Month: July 2005
One sleep to go!
One sleep to go, and I’m painting homemade knuts, sickles, and galleons out in the backyard!
Ebert’s review of CatCF
Ebert gives Charlie and the Chocolate Factory three stars. What’s remarkable, though, is that he says the movie succeeds in spite of Johnny Depp’s performance. That’s one you don’t hear every day. Ebert also makes the Micheal Jackson connection (not to mention a weird Carol Burnett reference). Anyway, as most of my worries about the film had to do with Depp’s performance in the trailers, it looks like if I can manage to ignore him the rest will be pretty fun. And I can live with that.
The Amazing Race
Me: Check it out! The Race is on!
Snook: Sweeeet. Remember the deal. If you see them here you have to call me so we can go head-to-head as Amazing Race tour guides.(Link courtesy of Max.)
Snook: Sooo… how’d you go?
Me: *victory dance*
Snook: Yay!
Me: I lost 1.3 kilos!
Snook: No way! 1.3? Boy, you must’ve had a big poo before your meeting!
Me: *glares*DietBlog: All disgusting scatalogical comments from the spousal unit aside, yep, I registered an honest-to-goodness loss this week. Go me! I even got (yet another) gold star when I told how I’d bounced back from my first gain and found inspiration from my friends in the group. That was pretty much the only high point of the meeting though… as karma has returned to bite me in the ass, big time. Remember how I left my original WW group because I thought it was a little boring? (Not you, Emily, if you’re reading this! Just the dynamic of the attendees.) Well, my new Super Fun Leader Megan was off this week on vacation with her family, so we had a substitute. I’ll call her “Bab,” which stands for “Boring as Batshit.” It was the absolute worst WW meeting out of the dozen or so I’ve been to. She just talked at us the entire time. The sum total of our group interaction – which is usually the highpoint of the meeting – was occasionally waving our hands when she’d poll us on something. “Who here knows about low G.I. foods?” *wave* “Who here uses Splenda instead of sugar?” *wave* “Who here cooks?” *wave* It SUCKED. At one point she was just reading the labels of various foods she’d brought to us. She spent a full ten minutes recounting a soup she’d made herself for dinner the week before. I also got to hear all about the aneurysm she’d had the year before, and about how being skinny was the only thing that saved her life. And about how much her family loves her for losing weight. And about how she’s trying to give up coffee and it really sucks. Are you getting the idea? (And yes, I realize how ridiculous it sounds for me to be lambasting this woman on my WEBLOG for being self-obsessed, but it’s not like I charge any of you guys to be here, right? Exactly.) I didn’t feel inspired when I left, and I actually felt bad that some of the new people might think that Bab was indicative of the program. I’m worried, too, because even though we’ll have Megan for a few more weeks, she’s going back to Uni in August and we have to have a new Leader for the semester. PLEASE DON’T LET IT BE BAB!
Green dot optical illusion
Thanks, John. I am now forever to be haunted by the green dot. Can you not see it? That freaks me out.
Open Source Beer
The Snook’s gonna love this: open-source beer.
I heart Gleebooks.
I heart Gleebooks.
How cute are they? The bookstore just sent out our final instructions for this Saturday:Dear travellers on the Gleewarts Express, It is only three sleeps to go. We have some last minute instructions and
reminders. Please – please – set two alarms! If you are late, we cannot wait. We advise you to arrive somewhere between 5.20am and 5.30am at the latest. Eat a sensible breakfast before you embark on the train. Yes, we will have
plenty to eat – but you may need food you are more – ahem – familiar with.
For older witches and wizards, Thermoses of sustaining drink are advisable. Don’t forget to wear your ticket around your neck. You need your ticket to
board the train and you also need your ticket to get your very own copy of
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Please be in character. Costumes can be simple or sophisticated – but please wear one. Money: definitely not Muggle currency (but it doesn’t have to be fancy either) for making purchases from the trolley witches. The Gleebooks branch of Flourish and Blotts, however, will only accept Muggle currency for previous Harry Potter books, tapes and DVDs on the return journey from Hogsmeade. Wet weather gear is essential. Raincloaks, batbrellas and owloshes may be necessary. Dress warmly. Please bring your sunny moods on the day. When you have an entire village of magical folk, not everyone can be first. Grumpiness attracts Dementors.Warmest regards, a slightly nervous Minerva McGonagall
“Grumpiness attracts Dementors.” I love that! It’s so fun how they’ve kept every little bit of communication in character. I can’t wait for Saturday!
Freaky statistics
I’ve read a lot of arguments for and against abortion, but never have I read that there is a statistical link between Roe vs. Wade and a twenty-year drop in crime rates. Pretty mind-blowing, if you ask me…