Month: August 2005

  • Cuteness.

    Nintendogs. Just because I’m a cat owner doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the inherent heart-breaking cuteness of a Labrador Retriever puppy. And these ones don’t smell or pee on the carpet!

  • Cottage cheese

    Feed me some cheese.
    Confession time: I have never, in my entire memory span, willingly eaten cottage cheese. Is that weird? I just never liked the look of it. I seem to be going through this experimental phase lately though, and I like just about every other soft cheese I’ve ever eaten… so the time is ripe. I bought me some cheese. Here’s the question though: How the heck do I eat it? Any really excellent ways of serving it? I’ve always seen it on salad bars but I’m not really sure what you’re supposed to do with it. Just plop it on with your salad? Mix fruit in it? Spread it on crackers? This isn’t strictly a diet-related request either, so don’t feel required to provide me with zero-Points recipes. I don’t plan on eating this stuff smeared on celery sticks.

  • Gyoza

    Wow. 83 gyoza in 8 minutes. I couldn’t ever hope to match it, but I’d looooove to try…

  • PotterPuffs

    Much like miftik, I am utterly defenceless against the All-Powerful Cuteness of the PotterPuffs. They’re characters from Harry Potter drawn in the style of Powerpuff Girls, and they’re mindsplittingly adorable. Warning! Some contain spoilers from Half-Blood Prince (although if you haven’t finished it yet, Sis, I’m going to disown you).

  • Quizno’s

    moblogged image

    Just waiting for our FREE SUBS! Austin Powers just walked by hissing at some Subway customers. No, really.

  • Knitcast!

    How did I not know that there’s a podcast about knitting? (Link courtesy of Katherine.)

  • Quizno’s is opening!

    Attention Sydneysiders! The brand-new Quizno’s at World Square is having its Grand Opening this Friday, and they’re giving away FREE SUBS between 11-2! I’ve never had a Quizno’s sub before; they seem to have come to national prominence in the States well after I left. (Didn’t they do some really wacky commercials, like with monkeys or something?) Anyway, I was tempted not to post this lest you all show up and eat all the FREE SUBS before I get there, but my magnanimous nature won out…

  • Utilikilt

    I’m tempted to get the Snook a Utilikilt just so I could wear it… (Link courtesy of Jeff.)

  • History of Ranch

    This history of ranch dressing is missing a sentence or two:

    In 1997, Chicago-native Kelly McMahon started a new trend and simultaneously nearly bankrupted the Chili’s franchise in South Bend, Indiana: She requested ranch dressing with her complimentary nacho chips. Friends who sampled this concoction realized it was so good that there was no need to actually order real food. The idea caught on like wildfire with the rest of the Notre Dame student body and continues to this day.

    (Link courtesy of Max, who is also a Certifiable Ranch Fiend.)

  • ParkerWatch 2005

    I was just happily working away on the website when the office phone rang. “I need you to COME UPSTAIRS NOW!” said Rae. I sprang to my feet. Usually this means that someone dodgy is in the store and the girls are worried we’re going to get robbed. I grabbed Albert and we sprinted up the stairs. I was halfway to the counter when I came to a screeching halt. There, coming to meet me with her hand extended and a smile on her face, was PARKER POSEY. That’s why they called me up! So I got to meet her and her handler Ray and they were both totally friendly and nice. We talked about donuts and tapestries and Mexican food and felting. The funny thing is, she looked so totally normal that I might not have recognized her on my own. (Except for her voice; I’d know her voice anywhere.) So just like that, ParkerWatch came to a successful conclusion. I just hope I have my mobile on me next time she pops in…