Month: September 2005

  • Poor Brushed Metal!

    The iTunes 5 Announcement From the Perspective of an Anthropomorphized Brushed Metal User Interface Theme. BWA HA HA! My favorite bit is when drunk Aqua calls him up at the end and calls him “bee-yotch.” (I downloaded iTunes 5 this morning but I haven’t installed it yet, so I can’t really give a personal review…


  • My sister sent me the funniest e-mail. You’ll recall that she works for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society of California, and her fundraising work means that she often has to liase with “celebrities.” Subject: are you and wil wheaton cool again?cause i know there was possibly some miscellaneous cyber tension between the two of you…


  • Cheesesteak of Suffering

    Oh man, Sis! You and Carbo should buy a Mac just so he can install the Cheesesteak of Suffering.


  • Knitty

    And the Fall Knitty‘s out too! (No word on the contest winners yet.) I know it’s daggy, but I’m LOVING the Hipster Fanny Pack.


  • YARN Magazine

    Ooh, that new Australian YARN Magazine has finally launched! The first issue is just online but they even provide a PDF so you can print it out if you want. I like that look of that felted mitered bag…


  • DietBlog

    DietBlog: At last, the 87-kilo glass floor has been shattered! After weeks of bouncing between 87 and 88, I’ve finally dropped to 86.6. We are closing in on fifteen kilos’ loss, kids! And to what do I attribute this progress? Merely the fact that I’ve literally been exercising my ass off lately. Last week I…


  • Snook’s Butcher Shoppe

    I think the next time we’re in Indiana we’re going to have to take a trip north to Snook’s Butcher Shoppe…!


  • Flip-flop hazards

    The BBC warns of the dangers of Australia’s national footwear. I guess that’s good news for the Crocs people!


  • Give a Little

    Give a Little


  • Weekend of Labor

    Weekend of LaborMan, I nearly forgot the folks back home were having a holiday weekend. End of summer, huh? I celebrated the start of Spring this past week by putting away the heaters and the thick duvet… only to drag them back out in the middle of a single night as the temperature suddenly dropped.…
