YARN Magazine has just posted its contributor guidelines, just in case you’re thinking of submitting some patterns! (I know I am.)
Month: October 2005
According to ZDNet, the Australian iTunes Music store has officially launched! Snookums is home sick so I’m trying to get him to sign us up so we can have a look. I have to say I’m not thrilled about AUD $1.69 a song though. Once you work out the exchange rate, that’s more than the US! What’s the rationale there? Sure, Aussies are used to paying more for stuff that has to be shipped in, but we’re talking about bits and bytes here. I suppose I should just be glad it’s not as bad as the UK…
Later: I have just purchased my first song. It was “Move This” by Technotronic. I love that song.
Knitty Calendar
Woohoo! The Knitty Calendar is available for ordering! Now you can hang me on your wall.
Later: Okay, now that I’ve looked at all the other images I can really see where ours fits in. They’re all so colourful and kooky!
Much later: The Honorable Mentions Gallery is now up, and both of our other photos were selected!
Social Maven
It’s always fun to find yourself being discussed on the Internet, especially when people are trying to schedule things around your Halloween Party because it’s obviously becoming the SYDNEY SOCIAL EVENT OF THE SPRING. Except for that whole horse racing thing next week.
In related party news, things are coming down to the wire as usual. My costume is about 40% finished. (I still have to make pants.) The trial batch of Wilton Milk-Chocolate Cupcakes with a Peanut Butter Candy Filling were a dismal failure. And did I mention that the Snook has come down with a cold? Poor baby may have to stay home tomorrow.
Major Breakthrough
I had a major breakthrough with the fish phobia tonight. We were out to dinner at my co-worker Leanne’s new place, and her boyfriend Brendan (the one who works at XO) cooked for us. Knowing my issues with fish, he served us baked rainbow trout with smoked almond stuffing and he ASSURED me that it wouldn’t be fishy in the slightest. So there I was with an ACTUAL FISH on my plate, nasty little eye staring up at me and everything, and I reached out with my fork and ate a bit. And he was right! It was pretty nice. I’m not gonna say it’s now my favorite dish ever or anything, but I told him that eating a whole friggin’ fish is pretty much the highest compliment I could pay him as a chef. The Snook was conspicuously silent during this portion of the meal, which I correctly interpreted as his version of not talking to the pitcher during a no-hitter. No jinx! So we’ve reached another milestone. Of course, I nearly yuked it all up when Leanne, on a dare, ATE HER FISH’S EYEBALL. *shudder* Actually perhaps it’s better if I don’t think about that bit…
The real point of the visit was so that Leanne could help me construct my Halloween costume, which she did. And it’s gonna be AWESOME!
Straight-Laced Socks
Straight-Laced Socks
Remember the wool I won in the Give a Little Raffle? Here it is! These are the Straight-Laced Socks from Knitty. As usual, I had to adjust the heck out of the pattern to make it work. I increased the number of stitches to 76 (38 on each needle) and thus had to change the maths of turning the heel. I think I’ve finally got my head around it, but I made this heel a little narrow. (Technically it’s perfect though, so I couldn’t bear to frog it back.) The toe was also turning out a little long so I started doing the decreases every row instead of every other. Still, they’re really pretty, aren’t they? -
U2 Sucks
Heh. Some guy on AskMetafilter wonders “Why do you like U2?” and asks whether he’s alone in his hate for them. The ensuing discussion is 90% people agreeing that they suck – “U2 is the Wal-Mart of ‘alternative’ music” is a particular highlight – and 10% people going, “Yeah, I liked ’em back in high school but everything since the 90’s pretty much sucks.” Which amuses me.
Crochet Yoda Ears
Crochet Baby Yoda Ears. That is GENIUS!
Australian iTunes Music Store at last!
Woohoo! Just saw on Major‘s site that the launch of the Australian iTunes Music Store is rumoured to be “imminent.” KICK ASS. I think that means I need to empty out my US$ balance before I can switch to the Aussie account. I’m off to buy some Presidents tracks!