Month: October 2005

  • Sprinkles

    Any of you Americans seen Halloween sprinkles in the shops? I’m looking for cookie and cupcake decorations for the party and they’re impossible to find over here. That Canadian place will ship internationally but $35 seems a bit steep. Can any of you do an emergency run for me? I can reimburse you the cash via PayPal or knit you something if you want…

  • Physics Quiz

    How smart are you at Physics? Oh my gosh, that was EMBARRASSING. I technically scored 6/10 correct, but really I only earned four of those. (I only got the wire colours right because of the fun mnemonic in this AskMetafilter question that I happened to read over breakfast, and as I was working through the last one my co-worker leaned over my shoulder and pointed out the correct answer.) They should rescind my AP credits.

  • DietBlog

    Another small loss. They all add up… to fourteen kilos! Man, I wish I’d get to fifteen already so I could buy my new Crocs.

  • Knitty Pattern Round-Up

    ClapotisKnitty Pattern Round-Up
    Finally I’ve got another Finished Object to share with you, along with two knitted Gifts. First is my take on the ubiquitous Clapotis. I never planned to knit one of these wraps (which have gotten ridiculously popular in the last year), but I just happened to be listening to the KnitCast interview with the designer on the same day that we got this luscious new shade of Noro in… and I was powerless to resist. I worked out that I needed six balls of Kureyon to do the pattern as written, but after I’d casted it off I realized I wanted it longer and frogged it back to include a seventh ball. As it is, I can wear it as either a really big scarf or a smallish wrap. I like it. (I blocked mine out into a rectangle and I prefer it knit-side out, both of which are different from the model photos.) Next is Shimmer, a glamorous little lacy shrug that was knitted by my friend Miss Fee. She made it for herself to wear for a wedding but afterwards decided it was too big to wear again (and too nice to consider unraveling). She persuaded me to try it on and pronounced it a perfect fit, and then she gave it to me! How nice is that? It’s knitted out of Filatura di Crosa’s Zara mixed with Night to give it a bit of glitz. I know I was anti-shrug before, but this one is just so pretty and girly! I need to get some nice tops to wear with it. And last is the long-awaited picture of baby Ruth Cunningham wearing the Norgi jumper I knitted her. I have no idea how Nat and Staci managed to get it over her head, but doesn’t it look adorable anyway? I love it with her little jeans!

    Shimmer   Ruth in her Norgi

  • Go Irish!

    Thanks to some stellar numbers from Brady Quinn, the Irish were able to beat Purdue and reclaim the Howard Family Football Title from my brother’s team. (Don’t worry, Ant; you guys will kick our asses come basketball season.) Man, what I wouldn’t give to be there for the USC game though!

  • Halloween Invitation

    It’s that time again…

    Halloween Invitation

    E-mail invites have just gone out. If you’re a w-g regular and you’re in Sydney, you’re probably invited so check your Inbox and Spam filters. Thanks to my sister for her e-mail earlier this week which provided the inspiration. I spent a ridiculous amount of time tonight lining up these ridiculous pets. (No, Dr. Amy Jones is not one of them. Although the Snook is trying to acclimatize her to wearing things on her head.) See you at the shindig!

    Hey, “Other Andrew,” you feel like dropping by? I don’t have an e-mail address for you. Nor you, Tia, if you’re reading…)

  • Cheers Big Ears!

    moblogged image

    It’s beer o’ clock and we’re down at the Australian Beer Festival! Very warm and crowded, but the beer is good…

  • Festivals

    Whaddaya know, there is going to be a knitting festival in Goshen this weekend! Awww, I’m sorry I’m gonna miss it. Of course, heading out to the Australian Beer Festival should make up for some of the disappointment… (Thanks to Aunt Deb for the heads-up on the knitting.)