Month: February 2006

  • Outguess Ebert

    That other Oscar pick ’em contest has finally launched. Can you Outguess Ebert? His prize is definitely worth more than mine, but hey, mine is open to Floridians!


  • Blogging Tips from a D-Lister. Great tips from Matt about increasing traffic and being a “good” weblogger.


  • Trivia Update

    Trivia Update: We had a very respectable 2nd place finish tonight, made more remarkable by the fact that there were only two of us. (We were really hoping for 1st to secure the $70 bar tab for Kenya‘s birthday this weekend, but we were once again trounced in the second round by our nemeses, the…


  • I shall rule the world!

    As Leanne will be going back to university in a few weeks, it’s fallen to me take on more of the traditional managerial tasks here at the shop (as opposed to just huddling over the website). Last week I learned to do the banking, and this week she’s training me to do the roster. I’m…


  • Corey… gay?

    Someone is asking MetaFilter: Was Corey Haim’s character in Lost Boys gay? I had honestly never even entertained the notion.


  • DietBlog

    DietBlog: After the interview I high-tailed it over to the weigh-in. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I know I went over Points at least three days last week – including one serious blowout at Tia‘s birthday party – but I also did a heck of a lot of exercising to make up for it.…


  • It’s on!

    Just got the call from Radio 2GB. The interview is definitely on tonight! 7:20 pm on 873AM. I’m not skipping my damn meeting though; I’m having them call me on my mobile. 🙂 Later: I did it! Felt like I talked a mile a minute, so we’ll have to review the tape to see if…


  • The best ski masks ever

    The best ski masks EVER. Why isn’t anybody at the Olympics wearing these? (Link courtesy of the Snook, via Hank.)


  • Muslim Australia

    Now that‘s a novel argument. Some crazy-ass conservative Member of Parliament is arguing that Tony Abbott should retain control of RU486… because Australia is aborting so many babies that the country will be Muslim in fifty years. (Reading insanity like that always makes me want to use Moire‘s favorite emoticon: O_o) My favorite bit of…


  • The Biggest Loser

    Did anybody else, like, get tears in their eyes watching The Biggest Loser tonight? No? Just me then? Well, it was emotional. In terms of personal identification, Fiona is the one I immediately gravitated towards. She’s just about the size I was when I joined WW last April, and seeing her step on the scales…
