Month: February 2006 (page 5 of 8)

mx article

mx articleHere it is. Not a bad picture in the end, though they spelled my name wrong, of course. (Trivia: He wanted Melissa and I to be sharing a laugh so at this moment we’re actually discussing her humongous pregnant boobs.) I also enjoyed the fact that – despite speaking to the journalist for fully ten minutes – they chose to use only one quote, and that was the most vapid, clichéd thing I said the whole time. (She kept asking me about whether knitting was “relaxing,” and in desperation I dragged out the old “knitting is the new yoga” chestnut. And I immediately felt like a tool. So of course that’s what they used.) I’d also like to point out that I actually said I “probably wouldn’t” be entering the fastest knitter contest (mostly because Rose Hill is difficult to get to when you live in the city, work all day, and don’t have a car). Oh, and I have no idea what that title means. NO IDEA. She didn’t get that from me.

Radio Interview

I’m gonna be on the radio!
This is just my week of total media convergence. I just got a call from someone at Radio 2GB who read my article in mx today (I haven’t even seen it yet!) and wanted to know I’d like to be interviewed on Murray Wilton’s “The Good Life” tonight. Sure, why not? I am the Queen of Craft this week, apparently. (Can you feel the momentum gathering? My TV show can’t be far off.) If any of you Sydneysiders want to listen to me make a blathering fool out of myself, they’re supposed to ring me around 7:20pm tonight. It’s on 873AM.

Oh, and they apparently have live streaming over the Internet too, so you international types can have a listen as well… (Though of course, the Snook will be recording it so I can post it afterwards.)

Update: Ack! They may have to bump me til tomorrow! I’ve got Fat Fighters tomorrow! Which will win out, my obsession with WW or my need for public exhibitionism? More details to come…

Still later: I think I’ve been bumped. It’s well after the time they said she’d call and they’re on to the cooking segment. Damn. I skipped kickboxing tonight to be here by the phone, and now I’ve got to decide whether to skip the meeting tomorrow. I am officially bummed.

Much later: That was the most boring radio show I’ve ever listened to in my life. I’m going to WW, celebrity be damned. They can call me on my mobile if they want to chat.


I got suckered into buying a bottle of h2go sparkling tangerine today. I figured it couldn’t be that bad for me, given that it’s basically just water with a little flavouring added. It was only hours later when I was inputting my WW Points for the day that I realized the stuff has 1.5 Points per bottle! I’m better off drinking Diet Coke.

Ask the Industry

The BBC News website has been running a series of “Ask the Industry” articles, where regular people send in their questions about the future of the entertainment industry and they “theoretically” get answered by industry executives. I say “theoretically” because the answers the execs give are piss-weak. First we had digital music, and now we have digital film. Read and marvel as these PR robots try desperately to not give a single honest answer to these simple questions. For example, “What’s the point of DRM?” Most of the answers amount to: “Without DRM, the legitimate ways you have of paying for music would not be possible,” which doesn’t actually answer the question. (And then of course you get the Napster idiot at the end claiming that somehow their DRM isn’t as bad as Apple’s, because it works with more MP3 players or something.) It’s all wank. Also note the perfectly valid question about “Why do movie companies still insist on DVD region encoding?”, to which the only real response the idiots offer is “Because they can.” (Okay, so the classification excuse isn’t a bad one, but that doesn’t stop kids from getting region-free discs from elsewhere…) It’s like watching a Presidential debate, where each person only answers the question they want to hear without respect to the words that were actually uttered.

User Friendly LOTD!

UF - LOTDHoly crap; I was a User Friendly Link of the Day! I was just checking my server statistics, and geez, that’s the closest thing to a Slashdotting I’ve ever experienced. We’re talking more than triple my normal amount of hits.

Incest Jokes

We just watched the first two of the final four Arrested Development episodes, and man, how great is it seeing Justine Bateman? She looks fabulous! I have to say though, I found the way the plot flirted with hooking her and Michael up reeeeally disturbing. More so than the cousin lovin’, of which I’m normally a big fan. (But George Michael? Is getting a little creepy.) And now let us all bow our heads and pray that Showtime picks this show up, so it can move to cable and disturb us all even more…

Helpful Tip

Here’s a helpful tip for you: Whenever a trendy bartender says, “I’ll just pop to the kitchen and get the soy sauce,” cancel your drink order. So says me, who in a misguided fit of bravado ordered and then actually drank a “manuka honey and soy martini” on Friday night. Yeah, I basically drank a MARINADE, people. *shudder*

Sock Monkey FAQ

I’ve just added some frequently asked sock monkey questions to address some of the responses I’m getting!

Cast On

DUDE! I just discovered that the gay sock monkey cowboys were mentioned in episode 11 of Cast-On, one of the most prominent knitting podcasts. It’s towards the beginning when Brenda is talking about subversive knitting, and she says that the award for the week goes to my “Brokeback monkeys.” Apparently they made her laugh really hard, and she especially liked my photoshopping of the movie poster. I have to admit though for those who are wondering, I did not knit these. The beauty of sock monkeys is that they’re made from $5 K-Mart knee socks. Anything that took more time or money would be a waste.

Lucy’s Cardy

I just stumbled across a photoessay about the new Journey to Narnia exhibit at Disney MGM Studios, and it includes a really nice photo of Lucy Pevensie’s lovely 1940’s embroidered cardigan. Because I just know you all sat through the movie analyzing the knitwear, as I did.