Here I am suffering through an aching jaw and a bout of mental diet weakness/exhaustion, and Max has to go and post this. If only it were possible to eat pixels… *drool*
Month: February 2006
Um, excuse me Channel 10? Just what in the hell did you mean with that teaser proclaiming next week’s episode of Veronica Mars to be the “season finale”?? From where I’m sitting, it looks like episode 11 out of 22. Does this mean we’re going to be TAKING A BREAK from the only good show you currently have? Am I going to have to wait MONTHS to find out who killed Lilly (and where Veronica’s Mom is and who her Dad really is and why that scary guy falsely confessed and why Duncan dumped Veronica, etc)? If this is the way you’re going to behave, I’m going to have to spurn you yet again in favor of the Internets. I need my fix of Logan and Weevil.
Meme Time
Meme Time
Bah, Amy tagged me. I haven’t done one of these in ages.
Four jobs I’ve had:
- Grocery store check-out chick
- Purchasing Office assistant at an RV manufacturer
- HTML webmonkey
- Knitting shop employee/manager/marketer
Four movies I can watch over and over:
- Pride and Prejudice (the BBC miniseries)
- The Star Wars original trilogy
- Swingers (I wrote a major paper on it)
- Office Space
Four places I’ve lived:
- Numerous little towns in northeast Indiana
- South Bend (specifically, the University of Notre Dame)
- London
- Sydney
Four TV shows I love:
- The Amazing Race
- Arrested Development
- Seinfeld
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Four places I’ve vacationed:
- Cedar Point
- DisneyWorld and EuroDisney
- Singapore
- Dubbo
Four of my favorite dishes:
- My Aunt Berb’s Chicken and Dumplings
- Snookums’s risotto
- Fresh sourdough with tomato and basil
- Korean bulgogi
Four sites I visit daily:
- My Yahoo (my homepage for nearly ten years)
- Ask MetaFilter
- BBC News
- Weight Watchers Online
Four places I would rather be right now:
- Rockpool
- First-class sleeping carriage on the Indian Pacific
- Playing board games at Guthrie’s in Wrigleyville with Kel, Crawfy, TD, LJ, Sal, Pants, and RT
- Right here, but with, like, the whole apartment cleaned up and stuff
Four bloggers I am tagging… Oh sheesh. You can do it yourself if you want. 🙂
The dentist put me on Keflex, which never fails to make me think of lobstrosities, astin, and tooterfish popkins. They should put a picture of Roland on the box or something.
Siskel and Ebert Muppets
I didn’t know Siskel and Ebert were Muppets! That’s amusing. I like that Ebert was randomly blue.
The Amazing Human Body
Ooh, The Amazing Human Body is opening in Sydney! It’s that exhibit of cadavers where they’ve been “plastinated” and you can see everything inside. Thanks to Dr. Wong for telling me about it yesterday! (Evidently the fact that I chose to keep my own teeth indicated to him that I’d also have a morbid interest in a scientific exhibit of flayed corpses.)
Get me the Elephant Gun.
“Get me the elephant gun…”
Oh, that Dr. Wong is such a card. Today’s procedure was even quicker and smoother than the last one. For some reason, though, this time it took a lot more anesthetic to numb the right side of my face. He’d poke and prod, and I’d go, “Nope, that’s still kinda hurty!” And he’d inject me with some more stuff. At one point, he asked Maria for, like, the fifth hypo of stuff, and she was all, “Really? More?” And I said apologetically, “I’m a horse.” That’s when he busted out the elephant gun line. Ho ho! Eventually we got there though. “Okay, you’re gonna feel some pushing,” he said as he gripped that bottom molar. Literally ten seconds later, that sucker was OUT! It’s hard to be all, “Damn, you’re good!” when you’ve got tubes hanging out of your mouth and half of it’s numb. He put in a stitch and then tackled the upper one. I had visions of the double-ended root pick again, but this one also came out clean with a minimum of yanking. And just like that, I was done! As he was writing up my antibiotics prescription, I mentioned that I’d written up the “root pick experience” on my website last time. “Can I have the address?” So if you’re reading, Dr. Wong, hello! I’m doing just fine. (He said something about printing this out and putting it on the bulletin board, which was very cute. I guess when your business is playing the role of Big Bad in everybody’s worst dental nightmare, you don’t get a lot of positive professional feedback…)
Doped to the gills!
Drop and give me twenty.
The Dove has offered to help me out with my 10K training this year. For those of you who don’t know him, he worked with us at Netdecisions in London and he’s super fit. This is because he used to be in the army for many years and now runs triathlons in his spare time. In short, he would Kick. My. Ass. I am both tempted and afraid. I’ve never had a “boot camp” type trainer before. Would it do me some good? Would I just resent him? Any thoughts?
Trivia Update
Trivia Update: Well, it felt like we were sucking the big one tonight, yet somehow we managed to finish in a tie for first place! (We ended up coming in second in the tiebreaker as the other team pulled a Rain Man and knew exactly how many nautical miles it is from Sydney to Hobart.) I also won us a free jug of beer for identifying the Steve Miller Band. Here are the best ones from the night:
- Name the four islands of Japan. (Snookums ROCKED all four of these.)
- What planet are Klingons from? (“No, Snookums, the answer is not ‘Uranus.'”)
- Which three singers sang “All for Love” from the film The Three Musketeers?
- Who were the five Marx brothers?
- Name two movies (not TV movies) starring Angelina Jolie that start with the letter “G”. (I eventually got these but it took twenty minutes of racking my brain.)
- What are the three most popular surnames in the UK?
Now I’ve got to go to bed so I can get up early and work off that $30 bar tab…