Random Knitting Pattern: Felted Fortune Cookies! I’m really just bookmarking this so I can remember it for the next Tapestry Craft newsletter.
Month: March 2006
Funny Mascots
Max has a great post about funny school mascot names. I think the Cornjerkers might be my favorite school nickname in history. I’m just sad they’re not from Indiana!
The Biggest Loser
Is anyone else really excited to see if Wal goes during tonight’s Biggest Loser? No? Just me then? (They’d be fools not to vote him out.) I’m officially barracking for Kristy and Ruth to win it, though I think Kristy has a much bigger chance.
How to Play Piano
How to Play Piano. EXCELLENT. The Snook and I have discussed getting him a keyboard for his birthday this year since he used to play piano when he was younger. I’ve always wished I could play myself… so I just may give this tutorial a go!
World Pooh-Sticks Championship
Huh? How did I not know that the World Pooh-Sticks Championship was on this weekend? I’ve won a few rounds of pooh-sticks myself, actually. (Oh my God. Those pictures are from when we were living in London. Look how fat I was! Or rather, don’t.)
You know how when you’re around somebody who’s really sick, you kinda start to feel sick yourself? Leanne’s got a vicious cold and I could feel my head start to ache just looking at her. Poor thing! We sent her ass home.
Exercise Songs
This Ask MetaFilter thread has given me lots of good ideas for additions to my running playlist.
Rogue Nervousness: I’ve been knitting like a fiend all week and I’ve finished the body up to the arm holes. I’m a little nervous. It looks so small! I know my measurements were good and that it’s just that the cables are pulling in a lot, but it’s weird to knit something for myself that isn’t the size of a blanket. Also, the foldover stocking stitch hem I did seems to be curling up. Do you guys think it will block down flat? Claudia‘s looks so flat in the picture. Lastly, my row gauge was still coming out tighter – seven rows instead of six – so I worked out that I needed to add in another 14 rows to make the body the right length. Unfortunately the cable repeat is six rows… so I erred on the side of making it longer and went with three extra repeats. Now that I’ve finished it though… it looks like somehow I’ve managed to come out an inch-and-a-half too long! I’m going to leave it though. I’ve got plenty of yarn and I’m tall, so I’m going to trust that it’ll work out in the end. I’ll post a picture tomorrow.
Trail Note
Not to make this all “RunningBlog” or anything, but you will not believe what I did today. I ran two laps around Centennial Park – that’s 7.6km – WITH MY HUSBAND. Yes, the Snook actually ran. Those of you who don’t know him do not understand the magnitude of my surprise. I have known him for six years now, and I have never seen him run farther than half a block without complaining of heart palpitations. Turns out he’s been holding out on me this whole time! It all started a few weeks ago when I suggested he come to the park with me and walk a lap or two, and he said he thought he should get some actual running shoes. Being a tight-arse, though, he wanted to go to Kmart and get $20 trainers. Since I really didn’t see where this was going, I agreed. (He nearly chickened out at the last minute. “I’ll have three pairs of shoes! I’m becoming a metrosexual!”) That day at the park, I ran my lap while he walked behind me. Afterwards he confessed that he’d jogged about a fifth of a lap when no one was looking. So today he came along with me to ostensibly do some more walking. “Let’s have a bit of a jog,” I said, “and you tell me if you need to stop.” And we did two laps! We stopped probably about every kilometer or so to take a quick walk break, but our total time for the two laps was a decent 53 minutes. He even pushed me a bit since his natural pace is a little bit faster than mine. I just still can’t quite believe it. “You’re caught out now,” I said. “You’re going to have to do this all the time!” “I suppose,” he said. “We’re going to become those people.” I guess we are. I finally have a running buddy. SQUEEEEEE!
And yes, the first thing on the To Do list is to get him some better shoes.
Trail Note
Trail Note
As I ran up Wilson Street to Newtown early this morning, watching the sun rise and chase away the storm clouds, I decided to declare last week’s diet funk officially BUSTED. I feel really great. I ran two laps around Centennial Park Wednesday night and cut a minute or so off my time. (Albert pushed me to a faster pace than normal on the first lap, which made up for my very slow jog on the second.) Last night I went to boxing class and worked up such a sweat that I actually made the mat slippery. (Note to self: Find terrycloth sweatband.) Then this morning I had a great little forty minute jog up to Newtown and back. I’m eating well and tracking my Points again. I guess the lesson to be learned is that occasional lapses are totally okay, but that my body can’t handle prolonged periods of rich food and drink like it used to. I was seriously out of it for four days.