Hey Aunt Deb, aren’t we supposed to be 1/32 Native American or something? Which tribe are we? I hope it’s the Sioux. They rock. (*wondering how one donates money to a tribe*)
Month: March 2006
CouchCam is currently SvenCam, thanks to a mischievous Snook who didn’t want people watching him while he was home sick. So now you get to watch me make frightful faces as Sven’s revolving shiatsu hands make it all better…
At long last, I have the footage you’ve all been waiting to see: me and the ladies from the Knitter’s Guild rockin’ it on Sunrise. It’s a fairly big file (about 10MB) and you may have to download the whole thing before it plays. Yeah, we’re like postage-stamp-size and the sound isn’t perfectly synced, but you get the idea. You can see all four clips from when they cut to us, including the final one where I get to sit next to Kochie. A massive thank you to Snookums for the editing and encoding!
An Unpaid Endorsement
I have a new lunchtime addiction: Vermicelli‘s rice paper rolls. They just opened around the corner this week and they’re great! I’ve had the lunch special twice now, and my favorites would have to be the Sesame Beef rolls (they taste like bulgogi!) and the Portuguese Chicken salad. My only regret is they don’t have any nutrition information so I can accurately add up my Points. (I’m going to count them as slightly higher than the Sumo rolls, since they seem to have more meat.) -
Learning How to Run
Learning How to Run. Yeah, I need to go for a run tonight. Unfortunately my birthday dinner triggered a weeklong food depression in which I’m still mired. I’ve been really tired for days – like, sleepy tired – and I’m stuffing my face with carbs. I haven’t even bothered tracking my Points. This is BAD, y’all. I know in my brain that all the rich food I had last week was the culprit, yet I’m still having trouble snapping out of this. (Needless to say, I didn’t weigh in last night.) Anybody have any words of wisdom for nipping a shame spiral in the bud? (Running link courtesy of Brigita.)
Punny Jokes
Need a laugh? Someone asks MetaFilter for the funniest jokes that don’t involve making fun of anyone. They tend towards puns and wordplay, but there are some real gems in there. I like the one with the big horse and the little horse. Oh, and the Snoop Dogg jokes. I am a sucker for Snoop Dogg jokes.
On a whim, I bought some KiwiBerries at the grocery store this morning and they’re currently ripening on my desk. Does anybody know how to eat these? Do I just chew them up, skin and all?
Non-Busy Business
I have had a really busy non-busy weekend. (Busy in the sense that I felt like I was on the go constantly; non-busy in the sense that I feel like I got absolutely nothing accomplished.) Friday was St. Paddy’s Day so we headed over to the Papists’ for some beer and truly excellent Irish stew. (Seriously, Major, I want the recipe.) Saturday morning I was off to Newtown for my quarterly Depo injection, at which time I realized that my new Pommy doctor is actually Sir Bob Geldof. Sir Bob wants me to have a bone density scan to make sure I’m not losing calcium from the hormones. Whatever, Bob. I also met up with Miss Jane, who lent me Miss Fee’s knitting swift and ball winder. The Snook and I then had a lot of fun figuring it out so I could turn my five skeins of Harmony (color 801 Natural) into five beautiful center-pull balls. In the afternoon I was back to Newtown for SSK where I completed my gauge swatch for Rogue. Later that night I also experimented with different knitted hems. I like the twisted stitch hem the pattern recommends, but I quickly realized it wasn’t going to work with cardiganizing the pattern (since the hem lies on the bias rather than flat). So I tried a few widths of stocking stitch and then knitting my cast-on edge up into a tube, which seems to work well. I went with eight rows and I think it’s going to look nice. I also tried out one of the side cable panels just to make sure I was understanding the symbols right. Then I actually washed my swatches and laid them out to dry. (I know! Who does that?) Checking in the morning, I’m still a tiny bit tighter than the pattern suggests – I get more like 4.75 than 4.5 stitches per inch – but I’m not knitting it any looser. It’ll block to the right size. I did manage to go on a run Sunday, thank God, because Sunday night ended up being an orgy of consumption. One of Rodd’s cousins (well, kinda) got married and we attended the reception in Pyrmont. It was the biggest, funnest, most ostentatiously Italian gathering I’ve ever been to. We drank ridiculous amounts of wine and danced to “That’s Amore!” I ate everything – in a good way. I mean that I tried absolutely everything they put in front of me. Anchovies, olives, mussels, oysters (natural and kilpatrick), nonnata (which, since I now know what it is: *shudder*!), prawns, ocean trout, EVERYTHING. As I said to Ma Snook at one point, “Did you ever think that the girl who cried because you tricked her into eating yabbie paté would be eating this stuff?” (She maintains that there was no deception involved.)
So diet-wise, yeah… It’s not going to be a good week. But I just need to write it off and get back to work, right?
Well, I bought the Rogue pattern. Jeez, it looks hard! The fact that it’s going to be such a challenge makes me feel less like I’m jumping on a bandwagon. Now I just have to figure out what size to make. I just measured my bust and got 39″. The pattern suggests an ease of 2-4″. My options are the finished bust size of 39″ or 43.5″. I’m almost thinking I should go the 39″. The 43.5″ would be a little baggy on me right now as it is, and I figure my bust is only going to shrink as I lose these last couple of kilos. I could easily lose another inch or two off that measurement. Besides, every sweater I’ve knit for myself has come out enormous. It’s time that I actually knit something fitted. Thoughts?
After work tonight the Snook and I headed over to DJ’s to pick up my birthday present. The way I figure, this thing will pay for itself after ten massages (given what I pay the Chinese lady). We’ve got it strapped to the chair just to the right of CouchCam. We’re taking it in fifteen minute turns and it’s fantastic. I’m never leaving the house again!