Hmm. I don’t get it. Australia will simply hand me a driver’s license with basically no questions asked, but now they want me to take a test to prove I’m worthy of being a citizen? What’s more dangerous – driving or voting? I guess to a politician, the answer is the latter.
Month: April 2006
The Biggest Loser
I thought the finale of The Biggest Loser was awesome tonight. Sure, there was a lot of filler but that’s what we have a TiFaux for, right? As soon as David came out I felt the tears welling up. It was like the greatest episode of Oprah ever. How could you not just feel so happy for these people and the positive changes they’ve made?! I was a little disappointed that my weirdy-beardy boyfriend Shane – Back off, Gillian! – failed to topple Big Wal, but it was kind of expected. And then the final four… They all looked so amazing. We were doing the math in our heads and it was agonizing to see how close Kristie had come. And then Adro… He’s so cute! I was happy to see his confidence with AJ told him the numbers. I loved the bit at Camp Eden when he jumped off the pole, and it was so completely gratifying to see that pay off tonight. So hooray, for once in the history of reality game shows, the most deserving person won!
Flapjack Flap
Well, that’s what you get when you use pre-prepared pancake mix. (I’m smug because the Snook is a full-fledged convert to the glories of big ol’ American homemade pancakes.)
Trail Note
Trail Note
Ow. We have less than three weeks left til the Mother’s Day Classic, so the Snook and I headed out today for a much needed jog. (I basically took the whole week of the Garbericks’ visit off.) I felt a twinge in my hamstring as we started but disregarded it. Mistake. Half an hour later I was in pain with every step. I tried walking for a while, but it actually felt slightly better to jog (since my leg doesn’t straighten as much). So yeah, I’ve pulled the sucker. It’s not so bad that I can’t walk, but there’s definitely some slight swelling. The Snook gave me a massage and I’m trying to keep it elevated. I may see if I can get a compression bandage tomorrow. Runners, with a (relatively) minor injury like this, how soon can I train again? I don’t have to wait til it’s completely pain-free, do I? Will stretching and/or heating before exercise help enough to continue? -
Puss Puss 2.0
Puss Puss 2.0
Ladies and gentlemen, our cat now has a Flickr account. And what would a photoblogging cat post pictures of? Herself, of course. -
Smaller Footprint
Huh. According to Ask MetaFilter, it appears that by living in the middle of a big city we actually consume far fewer environmental resources than suburban or rural dwellers. “The density of human life enables energy efficiency, mass transit, recycling, and other benefits,” which means we have a smaller ecological footprint than we might have otherwise. (Mom still wants us to move back to Indiana. I’m grasping at straws here.)
The Birth Story
Rebellin: The Birth Story. Seriously, you guys, I am not havin’ kids. (Madelynn is gorgeous though.)
You know that episode of Friends where Chandler made a resolution not to make fun of people, and then Ross walked in wearing leather pants and all Chandler could do was babble: “Ross is wearing leather pants! Does nobody else see that Ross is wearing leather pants? Someone comment on the pants!”? Well…
Amy is poledancing! Does nobody else see that Amy is poledancing? Someone comment on the G-string!
Thank you.
Later: The phone just rang and I started hooting because I knew it was the hoochie mama herself. Snookums picked it up: “Yeah, I heard about it. It’s okay. As Wyclef says, just because you dance go-go, don’t mean you’re a ho, no.” HA! I’m still laughing.
Back to Work
Mom, Joe, and Joey left Saturday morning. Yeah, that was sad. As much as you try to prepare yourself, the sight of your four-year-old brother saying he wants to stay with you in “Ostraya” is still heartbreaking. The Snook and I cheered ourselves in the only way we could: by sitting on the couch and watching a lot of television. Seriously. We watched, like, four episodes of House, and three episodes of Lost, and eleven (ELEVEN!) episodes of Veronica Mars. I also consumed about a pound of grapes, two apples, five plums, and half a pizza. (There’s a reason I haven’t done any DietBlog posts in the past two weeks.) But we pick ourselves up and move on…
So yeah, back to work today. The Monday after vacation always sucks; the Monday after vacation when you find out that you’ve suddenly lost two members of staff that you were counting on for the busy season really sucks. Thank goodness tomorrow is a public holiday… I already need a vacation.
Star Wars Fabric
Oh hey, I just found the company that makes the Star Wars fabric Mom used in our quilt. Turns out they make quite a few other designs. Ours is called (appropriately enough) “Vader’s Revenge”.
Incidentally, we had a long chat Friday night about the whole licensing issue thing. Mom was admonishing me for even mentioning selling the quilt because the fabric had apparently come with a big warning that you weren’t allowed to use it in products for resale. That sent Rodd off into a tangent about end-user license agreements and whether they’re valid if you don’t sign anything (which of course Mom hadn’t). I said that I thought you were allowed to sell derivative works, like collages that included copyrighted pictures. (Turns out I was wrong.) So it looks like selling it would be out of the question in terms of legality. It just seems really odd to think that I have a personal possession that I wouldn’t be allowed to sell in a garage sale (or on eBay). But wait – I didn’t make the quilt. It was gifted to me. So I should be able to sell it, right? I didn’t “manufacture” any products “for resale.” (Just to clarify, I wouldn’t dream of selling it. This is just an interesting thought exercise.) I wonder if anybody’s contested this one in court yet…