Month: May 2006

  • Being dirty is fun!

    Being dirty is fun!I locked myself out of the house so I’m stuck throwing pottery in my work clothes. Isn’t my little vase pretty?


  • Annoyances

    It’s going to be that sort of day…This morning on the bus I was stuck between a woman wearing a Feathers scarf and a woman who was CLIPPING HER FINGERNAILS. (And we’re not talking just giving a quick trim to a snagged nail; she was doing a full-on manicure and – as far as I…


  • Rogue est finie!

    Well, that was quick. Rogue’s done!     Except for the zipper. She’s so nice and warm! The 4-stitch I-cord edging down the front was harder to start than I expected. My first attempt turned out way too tight and curly. It took me a while to realize that my beautiful chain selvedge had one…


  • Bring on the Arockalypse!Many, many thanks to Jussi for the surprise package of Eurovision winner Lordi’s entire back catalog! I can’t wait for my next run so I can rock out to such classics as “Hard Rock Hallelujah,” “Bringing the Balls Back to Rock,” “Would You Love a Monsterman?” and “The Deadite Girls Gone Wild.”


  • Bloggers

    What happens when five bloggers – me, Amy, Rob, Morgan, and Andrew – all go out to dinner together? We race back home to see who can be the first to post about it! (I live closest to the restaurant; hence I WIN!) This was the Snook’s and my second outing to Baja Cantina in…


  • Blocking

    Rogue BlockingBlocking‘s one of those things you don’t really get when you start out knitting. I’d read references to it in patterns and books, but it always seemed like a weird idea to iron my knitting. I just knew it was something you were supposed to do. I tried it on my first Gryffindor scarf,…


  • The Sale is On!

    And the Sale has officially begun! Now I’m going to chill.


  • Can you do me a favour? Go to the shop website and tell me what you see. You should get a holding page since I’m working on the site. I just want to make sure I’m not letting anybody else in…


  • Stupid Customer

    Stupid Customer of the Day: So this Canadian lady was here on holiday and bought a $280 tapestry kit imported from England. When she got home to Canada, she discovered her local store was selling it for $80 cheaper. That’s such a “huge discrepancy;” did we make a mistake? *blink blink* Okay, who doesn’t know…


  • My Beer

    The Snook would like it to be known that the emphatic answer to the question “What’s your favorite beer?” should always be: “My beer!” Yeah, it’s winter and he’s in brewing mode again.
