Month: May 2006

  • Workout

    DUDE! Now that’s how you get your heart rate pumping. I just had a serious row with an irate customer and it feels great. No, stupid lady, I will not give you a refund because the wool doesn’t knit up the way you thought it would. No, it was not defective. No, our policy is perfectly legal. You can have a credit note, or you can suck it. Woo! I feel like going to kickboxing.

  • DietBlog

    Last night was my first Weight Watcher’s meeting in three weeks, and I really needed it. I’ve been struggling here a little bit lately to recover from the dietary fallout of the Garbericks’ visit. It’s just been so cold and wintery lately, and my stress levels at work are starting to ramp up a bit. (*cough* SALE! *cough*) I’ve been feeling constantly hungry, and though I can deal with those feelings when I’m properly mentally-armoured, I just haven’t had the willpower these last two weeks. I’ve been binging – not on bad stuff, but still binging – and neglecting to track any of my Points. I’d normally count on exercise to bring me ou of this funk, but with this damn hamstring injury I haven’t been able to do much. (It’s finally starting to feel normal again, but I’m seeing a physio tonight just to be sure.) So all in all, I knew going in to the meeting that I was going to have a gain. My only goal was to keep it under 80kg. And I did! I’m back up to 79.7 – yeah, overweight again – but I’m trying to keep things in perspective. I have less than 5kg to go to my personal goal weight. I am not going to allow my journey to get derailed when I’m so close to the end. The meeting itself wasn’t great – we had a substitute leader and I didn’t really warm to her – but just being there, being surrounded by folks who were doing what I’m doing and who really believed it was all possible… it was like flipping a switch in my head. Things are only hard if I let them be. I’m going to get there.

    And a special thank you goes out to the old college buddy who contacted me two weeks ago to thank me for inspiring him on his own weight loss. He’s down forty pounds in the past year. How awesome is that? These are the people I think of whenever I get embarrassed about sharing this stuff online. It’s incredibly gratifying and humbling to think that my experience is rippling out and helping people I don’t even know about.

  • Amenorrhoea

    I’m arguing against having periods again over on MetaFilter…

  • Angora Man 1.0

    Albert: I think one of those weird angora guys is here, if you want to go say hi.
    Me: Which one? Angora Man 1.0 or Angora Man 2.0?
    Albert: How should I know??

    So I went to have a look. It turns out that it was the most rare and elusive Angora Man 1.0! We haven’t seen him in, like, a year and a half. He looked the same as ever: shuffling, mumbling, sporting a massive combover, and wearing the original women’s white angora jumper that he’d had on when I met him. I asked him what had happened to the one we knit him. “It was too big,” he mumbled, “so I sold it.” And now he wants another one knitted. So that’s another $700 sale… All in a day’s work at Sydney’s #1 Fluffy Emporium.

  • Local Species

    A MeFite wants to know: What are the most important animals in your neck of the woods? I had no idea that some of these Indiana species were endangered…

  • Ceramics

    Yay! I just had a phone call from the lovely people at the Pine Street Creative Arts Centre to let me know that they’ve added another Beginners Ceramics course this term. And since I’m on the waiting list, I get first dibs at the class! So I booked in. Starting next Wednesday, I’ll be learning “wheel forming” for nine weeks. I haven’t made anything with clay since, like, the third grade. This should be fun!

  • Dinnertime Conversation

    Oh my gosh. I’m still laughing at Staci’s “Dinnertime Conversation” video. It starts out so quiet… (Make sure you don’t have the volume up at work.) The look on Ruth’s face as she happily joins in just cracks me up. Screaming babies that aren’t in my house are fun! 🙂

  • Books

    Awhile back I joined the Kinokuniya loyalty club, and today I found an e-mail in my Inbox with a couple 20% off coupons. That’s as good an excuse as any to go book shopping! I’ve been wanting to read March by Geraldine Brooks ever since Mary-Helen recommended it so I picked up a copy (one of their last!) as well as a new copy of Little Women. I’ve read LW several times before (and I’m sure it’s sitting in my Mom’s basement somewhere) but I figured I ought to read it again before I tackle March. I also put in an order for Jeffrey Steingarten‘s The Man Who Ate Everything (since it’s always out of stock). Then I moseyed on over to the comics section – I love the looks on the geek guys’ faces – where I was excited to see that Batman: The Dark Knight Returns was finally available. I’ve always liked Batman, and I’m trying to hit some of the big high points in the comics canon. (Did I mention I read The Watchmen? That’s a whole ‘nother post, really…) So that’s three new books to add to the pile on my bedside table. I’m currently about halfway through Peter Carey’s The True History of the Kelly Gang, and so far I’m really enjoying it. (Ned Kelly was sorta the Australian equivalent of Jesse James.) Yay! The only thing that makes chilly winter nights bearable is a warm husband, a thick duvet, and a stack of new books…

  • Trail Note

    Yesterday I had my first substantial run since hurting my hamstring last Tuesday. I feel pretty good! The Snook and I kept the pace slow-ish and I stopped every so often to have a stretch. It felt a little sore, but I didn’t have real pain at any time. So that’s good. In other race preparation news, the Snook has been to the podiatrist and his new orthotics are on order. Now we just need to get him some real running shoes. I can’t wait to get our Race T-shirts and numbers!