Ridin’ Dirty

I have no idea what this “Ridin’ Dirty” song is, but go here and vote for Comedy Sportz’s lip sync version. It features everyone’s favorite ImprovBlogger Tara D in several scenes, including the promo shot of her writing “DIRTY” on a wall. HILARIOUS.


Whoa… My e-mail to the ABC got our WWKIP Day pictures linked on their Arts blog! I also got in a plug for the TC SnB. Sweet!

Later: Someone from the Public Broadcasting Company of Japan read the article and rang the shop asking about both the Sydney stitch and bitch groups and the Melbourne “Knitta” people. I explained that the “knit graffiti” movement – as far as I can tell – seemed to be inspired more by magazine articles than any real creative urge. (It’s the same problem I have with the zombie thing, really.) She also seemed oddly fixated on how many men were coming to these knitting groups. She actually said she had a funny image of a bunch of funky young guys sitting around knitting. And while I know that would make a great image for a story, it’s sadly not the case. I’d love to get more guys interested in knitting, but most of them still think it’s a bit of a joke (as witnessed by the drunken louts who stopped by WWKIP Saturday). Maybe I should organise “Teach a Guy to Knit Day” or something. Anyway, I tried to play up the “hip” factor of Sydney knitting without giving her too much the wrong idea…


moblogged imageUnderglazing
I had a really enjoyable pottery class tonight, mostly because I didn’t bother to try to throw anything. I turned my two crappy pots from last week and the new bottoms rather improve them, I think. Then I decided to start decorating. First, my curvy little vase. I decided she wanted to be pink. I was trying for a real gradation of colour, like fabric that’s been drip-dyed. Unfortunately that’s pretty hard to do with dry clay that sucks up moisture, meaning you can’t really “blend” the colour areas very much. I settled for some swoopy stripes. Then it was on to my chunky bowl from the very first night. I decided he wanted to be green. I then went back with a blue to do a thin spiral in the middle, but the spiral decided it wanted to be thick and spill over the side of the bowl. It’s more of a wave, really. I think it’s gonna look groovy once it’s fired and glazed. I really will need to do some more throwing next week though. I’m running out of things to turn and glaze!

Tabby vs. Bear

“Tabby Cat Chases Bear Up Tree, Twice.” HA! This is particularly relevant this weekend because I finally managed to witness Dr. Amy’s mistreatment of the Snook. He’s maintained for some time that she attacks him whenever I leave the house, and he has a theory that he’s below her in the family power structure. (I, of course, am the top.) I just laughed at him until I actually saw her nonchalantly walk up to him and then lunge at his leg (resulting in a four-inch-long scratch). So yeah, I can totally buy a cat terrorizing a bear. Snookums is just lucky we don’t have any tall trees around. (Link courtesy of John.)