Month: June 2006

  • City 2 Surf

    The official City 2 Surf website is up! I’ve just printed out the training guide. Unfortunately I think the Snook and I fall somewhere between the two options (“Fun Runners” and “Competitive”). The easier plan doesn’t look that different from what we already do! I guess maybe we’ll stick with that one, but add in some interval training every now and then.

  • Disappointment

    Well, that was disappointing. We walked over to the “Entertainment Quarter” (aka Fox Studios) today to check out the Farmer’s Market and the big Crocs Warehouse Sale. The Market was good; we got apples, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, and a loaf of sourdough. The Crocs Sale… sucked. I got all excited at first by the “Everything $20” sign and started planning which colours I was going to get. I was even happier when I saw boxes of the closed-toe style, which I’d like to get for winter. But guess what? They were all kids’ sizes. The only adult size shoes they had were the flip-flops. Thongs. Not what I was looking for. Oh well. At least we had a nice long walk on a very blustery day!

  • Whispers from a Cinema

    Actual Whispers Between the Snook and I During X-Men: The Last Stand:

    • “They CGIed all their wrinkles out!”
    • “HEY, IT’S STAN LEE!”
    • “That’s called a ‘Fastball Special.’” *fangirl smugness*
    • “How did Anna Paquin gain ten pounds ALL ON HER NOSE?? She’s not pretty here.”
    • “This is the only time Cyclops has ever looked hot to me.”
    • “How did she kill him? Dude, vagina dentata!”
    • “Evil has pretty, pretty hair.”
    • “Does he have an ADAMANTIUM PEEPEE?!”
    • “Why are all the bad mutants goths?”
    • “This movie is really all about the gayness.”
    • “Why move the frickin’ bridge? Why not a plane or a boat? And how could that crappy plastic prison have ever contained somebody who can move a goddamn bridge?”
    • “What does Beast do besides be furry? Ohhhh….”
    • “I thought he could manipulate the temperature of water. I didn’t think he could SHOOT SNOW.”
    • “Oh, he saved his Dad. How special.”
    • “Riiight. His whole outfit gets ripped to shreds EXCEPT FOR HIS PANTS. Whatever.”

    And that was pretty much it. In our defense, we were way in the front at a mostly empty theater with sound turned up to deafening levels. I’d give it a 6.5 out of 10. Parts of it were entertaining, but other bits – most notably Dark Phoenix – were earth-shatteringly boring. Literally. I liked Beast, especially when he was fighting, and I liked that they made Xavier more morally ambiguous. I found Magneto really sad at the end. And hey, where was Jubilee? I saw her listed in the credits but I must have missed that cameo.

  • Get well, Roger!

    Get well, Roger! Maybe I should knit him a scarf or something.

  • World Wide Knitting in Public Day

    Just a reminder: World Wide Knitting in Public Day is coming up next weekend! It looks like our Sydney details are now up on the website. Let’s all get the word out to get as many folks there as possible! (I just got an e-mail from a Parisian girl who’s going to be visiting and wants to join in. How cool is that?)

  • Girlfriend in a Coma

    Holy crap! The Snook told me some crazy story tonight about two girls who were in an accident in Indiana and one of them died but the other one was in a coma, and now weeks later the coma girl has woken up and SHE’S THE OTHER GIRL. I was like, “What?” He said that the family who thought their daughter had lived only just realized that it’s actually the other girl, and their daughter actually died in the accident. I scoffed and accused him of reading the Weekly World News too much. But get this – it actually happened! I guess her injuries were really severe and – coupled with how much the two girls looked like each other – everybody made the same misidentification. That’s awful.

  • Beer-related epiphany

    Last night we were trying some of the new “Chopper Reed” beer we got in this month’s delivery from The Beer Club when I had a truly brilliant idea. “Okay,” I said, “so this photographer made lenses for his camera out of ice and took all these weird, ghostly photographs. Now just imagine–” The Snook’s brain leapfrogged to my conclusion. “Lenses made out of frozen beer! You could get actual photographic evidence of the effects of BEER GOGGLES!” Of course, now all we need is a catchy name for the resultant Flickr group. (Ice photography link courtesy of John.)