Month: July 2006

  • Videogame Addiction Clinic

    Just bookmarking this article about a European videogame addiction clinic in case, you know, this World of Warcraft thing gets out of hand…

  • Infection!

    The word from my doctor is in: I do have an infection! Even though the initial test he did in the office was negative, my results from the lab came back positive. So that’s what caused the gastritis in the first place. He’s put me on some antibiotics and I have to continue with the super antacids. Now all I need is a T-shirt like Eileen’s

  • Nike+iPod

    Ooh, it looks like the Nike+iPod kit will work with any old shoe! Now I just need a Nano.

    Update: I just rang Apple Australia. According to a nice guy named David in Sales, the kit will be available here in August. I’ve got a few weeks yet to sell my old iPod and get a Nano! (Anybody interested in a pretty much brand new non-colour, non-video iPod? I received it as a replacement for my old one in January, and I’ve barely used it since I got a Shuffle. I’ll make you a deal…)

  • Human Space Invaders

    This is so freakin’ cool. Human Space Invaders. (Here’s YouTube if that doesn’t work for you.) According to the translated French text, it involved: 1 theatre, 67 extras, 4 hours of shooting, and 390 images.


    I’d just like to state that I had nothing – NOTHING! – to do with the nipples blatantly visible in the new Tapestry Craft window display. Thank you.


    Updated: I took a picture. See? Nips. Psychedelic pink nips.

  • Click Survey

    This is neat. Click Survey. It’s a painting and you’re supposed to click on it wherever you like. Then it shows you where everybody else clicked. Go do it before you see where I clicked…I clicked on the dot on her forehead.

  • Japanese Knitting

    Helpful link: Japanese Knitting Basics. Very useful for translating Asian yarn labels and needle sizes.

  • Pictures

    Can you guess who was more industrious this weekend, me or the cat?

    Pumpkin Bread   Cat Nap

    That was my first attempt at making pumpkin bread (in the bread machine, of course). It’s nice! We were out of ground cumin so I put in some of Herbie’s Mexican Chili Powder, which works well. It’s a very pretty and healthy-looking loaf of bread. And then there’s the cat, snoozing on her favourite chair under the dining room table. Little slacker. Of course, neither of us came close to the slacking levels of the Snook, who discovered World of Warcraft. Pray for me.

  • CityScape Coat Hangers

    CityScape Coat Hangers. Okay, I can tell that that one is London, this one is Paris and Tokyo, and the bottom-right one on this one is New York. But what’s that fifth one?