Month: August 2006

  • More Idol

    Last night’s Idol: I’m not votin’ but my picks keep on getting through! I was thrilled to see Jessica and Reigan make the Top 12. As for the boys, I really enjoyed Ricky‘s performance, and if we have to have a smooth RnB type, I say we go with him. I couldn’t even watch Chris,…


  • DietBlog

    When last we met, I was preparing for the City 2 Surf and lamenting the weight I’d put back on. A lot has changed since then: I’ve been seeing an acupuncturist; I’ve given up Diet Coke completely (cold turkey!); and I’m back to running regularly. The Snook and I are even training for another race…


  • Pick a random number

    Please pick a random number. (It tells you why afterwards.)


  • Beef Jerky

    Note to Snookums: Oh yes, we will be making Alton Brown’s box fan beef jerky this summer!


  • Idol so far

    Okay, verdict on Idol so far? I’m very happy that Damien (my Irish hobbit boyfriend) and Dean (my non-threatening emo boyfriend) got through. I really want Chris to make it through on the Wildcard show though. (I think he will.) The other guys were mostly snoozers, though I was disappointed that Brendon (who seemed so…


  • Awesome

    This is, indeed, the awesomest picture I have ever seen. (Link courtesy of John.)


  • Jobs

    MetaFilter Jobs has launched… and the closest position is 9,000+ miles away from me. Oh well!


  • Calendar

    How do you picture the calendar in your head? Mine is definitely monthly, but the months run from right to left, January through December.


  • Full

    It was a very full afternoon.The original plan was to head into the city to David Jones to get fitted for some new bras. (More on that in a minute.) Snookums decided to accompany me so we headed off down George Street. Just as we were coming up to Central, my jaw dropped. “Dude!” I…


  • Ring Around the Collar

    Ring Around the CollarAnd just like that, we have a collar! As previously mentioned, I had to do some serious modifications of the pattern as this point. The depth of my neck shaping meant I ended up with a lot more stitches than the pattern called for, so I had to add in a bunch…
