Month: August 2006

  • Spamflood

    You know what’s fun? Waking up to find FIFTEEN THOUSAND junk messages in your Inbox. Some bastard spammer is spoofing various names from as his From: address, and I’m getting all the bounces, out-of-office replies, and confirmation messages. Some days I hate the Internets.

  • Very Dark Brown

    It’s time for today’s Retail Tale of Horror! A lady rang up this morning asking if I could put aside two balls of Heirloom wool for her. Sure, what colour is it? “Nigger.” Excuse me? “Nigger.” I incredulously told her that the Heirloom wool doesn’t have names, only numbers, and that I wasn’t sure which colour she was talking about. I directed her to the website to have a look and she dutifully rang me back five minutes later. “It’s colour 717,” she said. “The very dark brown.” Of course it is, madam. Where do these people come from?!

  • Another Interview

    It’s like I’m running my own MediaWatch over here. Anyway, I just heard that a little interview I did with the ABC last week was broadcast as part of the PM program on Radio National this past Friday. (Nice of them to let us know!) They’ve got a transcript up along with downloadable audio. What the heck is that song they use in my intro? “Knittin’s friendly and knittin’s fun…” How random.

  • Snookums Got Glasses

    I always knew I’d fall for a boy who wore glasses… Too bad it came as rather a surprise to the Snook! (They’re just for extended computer usage. I think he looks super nerdy-hot in them though.)

  • Knit and Quit AGAIN

    Just gave another radio interview about the Knit and Quit class, this time on 2UE with Glen Wheeler. I think this one was my best yet! Snookums is working on the audio as we speak. For some reason, every one of these interviewers has been obsessed with the idea that I myself used knitting to overcome smoking. And each time I’m like, “Uhhh, nope.” Other than a dalliance with Swisher Sweets in college (cheers, Lizzie), my smoking experience is pretty much limited to the six months in London before I started dating the Snook. But I guess giving up a minor affectation for smoochies isn’t as dramatic as purling one’s way out of a lifelong addiction…

    Update: Here it is! (1.3MB MP3) Huh. I say “exactly” a lot. And see if you can spot my shoutout to the Courthouse Stitch and Bitch group!

  • Scala Choir

    Thanks to John for pointing me to the Scala Youth Choir. Their version of Teenage Dirt Bag is surprisingly rockin’.

  • Cheetah

    The Snook thinks our next cat should be a cheetah. I think this may be a bad idea, given that he can’t even fend off an attack from Dr. Amy Jones.

    Update: Now he thinks they may actually be fishing cats.

  • Picnic at Hanging Rock

    I just watched Picnic at Hanging Rock for the first time. Now I’m going to go to bed and have nightmares about scary black cliff faces to the sounds of Zamfir’s panflute for the next seven hours…

  • Snakes on a Plane

    Oh dear God. This is going to be all over the Internet in five minutes, but this Snakes on a Plane promotion is BRILLIANT. You enter your friend’s name and details, and it generates a clip of Samuel L. Jackson exhorting your friend to go see the movie. The best part is, you can actually send it via phone if you’re in the US! (The rest of us have to use e-mail.) Too bad it’s past the curfew or my sister’d be answering a call from Samuel L. as we speak.