Month: September 2006

  • Six years!

    Wow. My six year blogging anniversary came and went this month without me even noticing. Average number of posts per year: 1001. Wow.

  • Get well, Roger!

    Get Well, Roger! A Flickr group devoted to photos of people giving the thumbs-up to my favorite movie critic. The idea is from the folks over at Chicagoist.

  • Idol Roundup

    Idol Roundup: So last night was the big rock show, and I have to say Ricky rocked. I agree with the judges and prefer him as a rocker rather than a smooth RnB type. Lisa took a (deserved) beating from the judges on her aimless stage presence, but I thought she did a lot better than before on singing outside her genre. Mutto bores me. When I see pretentious middle-age singers writing slogans on their hands and crouching all over the stage, I think “Bono.” And I hate Bono. Klancie, to me, is a total Redshirt. She’s cannon fodder. Yes, there have been successful country crossover acts in this country. But I have to agree with Holden; she’s from another era. Bobby was Bobby. I was hoping he’d really rock out at some point, but does it really matter? He does mesmerize. Reigan’s performance was great, but Kyle’s comment was spot on. That’s the third obscure song she’s picked in a row. Is she mental? You’re never gonna win singing songs people haven’t heard. Damien’s song choices, on the other hand, have been perfect. Popular but not obvious, and always with a great falsetto highlight. Again, I just wish he’d rocked out a little more. Jessica did an unexpectedly great job and it was nice seeing someone having so much fun. I did notice the jelly belly though (before Kyle pointed it out), but mostly because I too have the jelly belly. Chris Murphy can do no wrong for me. He’s just too fun. I hope we get to hear his husky voice croon some ballads though. Lavina was also unexpectedly excellent working outside her comfort zone. I don’t even like Evanescence but she rocked that song. Dean got the big finale, but his vocals left me a bit bored. I hope he doesn’t coast through to the finals on his looks alone.

    One last note – I am loving Andrew and James this year. They’re really coming into their own as hosts. Their snarky little jokes just really amuse me. I also appreciated how they leapt to Jessica’s defense after the “jelly belly” comment. “SHE’S SIXTEEN!” And then later to point out Kyle’s hypocrisy for not calling out Chris Murphy as well… That was genius. I don’t think Kyle is being malicious with his weight-related comments, but he could stand to be a bit more even-handed in giving them out.

  • Pizza

    How to make a real pizza. The site is running slow as a dog at the moment (I think it got BoingBoinged), but I managed to get all the text to load. The Snook’s going to love it. Of course, he’s also probably going to burn the house down trying to get our oven hot enough…

  • Quiltin’ Mama

    My Mom’s posted some more quilts if you’re interested… And you should be, because they’re gorgeous. I love the old fashioned Holly Hobbie one.

  • MeFi Meetup

    How do you celebrate a big fitness accomplishment? By getting stinkin’ drunk with a bunch of random Internet friends. It was weird meeting other MeFites in person and being able to make really geeky inside jokes that even the Snook didn’t get. After four schooners I may be iffy on the names, but I’m pretty sure I met peacay (which is most definitely pronounced “pee kay”), tellurian, dhruva, arha, UbuRoivas, qwip, and Mrs. qwip. (Hopefully the qwips – who are Americans too, yay! – should have photographs.) It was actually really fun, once we got over the awkward meeting-each-other phase.

    Update: Yep, pics are up.

  • Beefcake and Creampuffs

    Summer FoodThe Snook and I started off the weekend yesterday with a long walk over to the Farmer’s Market at the Entertainment Quarter. We hadn’t really intended to get anything in particular… but somehow we ended up lugging a big bag of stuff home. Afterwards we assembled our feast and sat out in the sun in the back garden. We had slices of fresh sourdough charred and rubbed with garlic, and then loaded them up with crushed fresh cherry tomatoes and basil. We also had two types of cheese – Roquefort and Wensleydale – along with organic salami and fresh strawberries. Bring on summer! We were so inspired I decided to give SSK a miss and we spent some time weeding in the garden. Now we just need some seedlings…

    Swoon!A quick shower later and then, at last, it was time for Amy’s and my date with the Boy from Oz. (Amy’s friend Jacqui joined us.) We were seated straight out from the stage… just way, way far away. Luckily they had giant screens so we could see every last eyelash on Hugh’s face. He opened the show by descending from from the ceiling on a white grand piano dressed in a silver sequined suit, at which point Amy leaned over to whisper: “And I was worried he wouldn’t be gay enough!” Our boy Hugh, indeed, can camp it up with the best of them. The show was polished, slick, and highly entertaining. The acresses playing Judy Garland and Liza Minelli were pretty much spot-on, and I absolutely loved Liza’s transition into the “Cabaret” scene. MAGIC. But really, everybody was just there to see their boy Hugh. I can only imagine that the show has changed a lot since it was on Broadway. They were really playing to the local audience and a lot of the patter and expressions were very Australian. At one point, Hugh even emerged wearing a sleeveless Swans jersey with “Allen” bedazzled on the back. (That’s the moment at which Amy and I started arguing over whether his bum or his arms were more swoonworthy. Amy and the audience both preferred the bum, with one old lady actually telling him “Nice ass” as he worked the room.) The only problem for me was the lack of emotional resonance. I just didn’t really feel anything about the story. I don’t know if the problem is with the book or whether it was just that we were too darn far away from the stage, but I wanted to feel some tears welling up and I never did. Not even when his hot boyfriend (with the bad Texan accent) died. Maybe if they’d kissed… Who knows. So all in all an entertaining outing, but one that didn’t get beyond the superficial for me.

    And the absolute highlight of the night? Amy brought us Beard Papa’s! I have to say, even cold and soft they kicked Puffy Cookie Puff Puff‘s ASS.

  • RunningBlog

    While the Irish were getting spanked by the hated Wolverines back home, the Snook and I were engaged in our own grudge match with the Sydney Harbour Bridge. We were aiming for a time of 60 minutes for the 9K (based on our previous 8K time of 53 minutes). The race started in Milson’s Point at the little grassy park at the base of the bridge. You were supposed to “self-seed” so the Snook and I dutifully joined the crowd around the “60 minute” sign. The gun went off and everyone started inching towards the starting line. Unfortunately all the idiots who’d been in line at the Port-a-Potties just joined in wherever they could, which meant that once again we had to pick our way around walkers and strollers. (It’s getting to the point where a main source of my inspiration to get faster is my desire to get away from the goddamn walkers.) We headed up the street and turned onto the bridge exit ramp. And then suddenly there we were, heading up the middle of the bridge. I fulfilled a dream and deliberately ran in the “death” lane. (There are six lanes with no divider, just indicators that light up to tell you which ones are open in each direction. They change it depending on traffic. The middle one is the death lane.) More idiots were stopping in the middle of everything to take pictures of each other. WHATEVER. We were there to run, people! Then down around the Cahill Expressway above Circular Quay and then right onto Macquarie Street. Then it was all the way up the hill to the park, where we hung a left into the Domain. This part of the course was basically the same as the Mother’s Day Classic, so we knew what we were doing. We were checking our pace fairly frequently and we hit the 5K mark at 33:00. Not bad! That’s the point where I felt a stitch starting to threaten. The whole second half of the race ended up being an epic battle Kristy vs. Her Stitch. Back up to Macquarie Street and then a straight shot down to the Opera House. As we hit the 8K mark, I told the Snook to go ahead. I knew I could grimly hang onto the pace I was at, but I wasn’t really in any shape to be sprinting. Wincing and gasping for breath, I crossed the line at 58:20. The Snook probably finished around the 58:00 mark. BOOYAKASHA, BRIDGE! Then we headed up to the “Recovery Village” to turn in our timing chips. I have to say, the “post finish” services at this race SUCKED. Maybe it’s just because we finished in the middle; I don’t know. But it took us ages to inch our way through to the de-chipping area, and then ages more to locate the medal collection tent. People get really greedy and grabby post-race, and every tent where things were being handed out just turned into a complete melee. We got our medals; we got our free newspaper. We headed home. In Haymarket we stopped at Harry’s Cafe de Wheels for a much needed beef pie. Mmm, protein. Now we’re just in recovery mode. Man, I’m thirsty.

    Oh, and I forgot to mention the most amazing part. WE RAN THE WHOLE THING. Well, I had to stagger up the last fifty feet of the last hill, but other than that, we actually ran more than FIVE MILES without stopping. I’m very proud of us!

  • Stray Cat

    There’s a beautiful gray-and-white stray cat that’s been lurking around our neighborhood lately, a fact that has not gone unnoticed by Dr. Amy Jones. We first learned about the visitor when Amy woke us up early one morning, freaking out and scrabbling at the bedroom window. “Awww, she wants a friend! Maybe we should get another cat,” we thought. We spent a few days thinking about the ramifications. Then today I was sitting at the computer with her nuzzling into my shoulder (see DeskCam), all sweetness and fuzzy purring. Suddenly I felt her stiffen and I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Gray Cat was sitting in our back garden! Amy freaked out and scrambled out of my arms, and the two of them faced each other through the sliding glass door. I ran for my camera – thinking it would make a great Flickr shot – but Amy reared up on her back legs and started striking out at Gray Cat through the glass. Gray Cat predictably ran away, and Amy sat glowering at the door daring her to return. Her little head was actually visibly vibrating with emotion. “Uh, maybe we misinterpreted their relationship,” I said to the Snook. Our dear Puss Puss seems to view Gray Cat as an interloper, and interlopers Must Be Destroyed. How cute to have our own little Attack Feline.

  • Talk Like a Pirate

    I was in Kinokuniya last night stocking up on comic books when I noticed they had a big poster up for International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Huh? Since when does an Internet joke become an actual holiday that is celebrated by businesses in meatspace? It’s perplexing. I’m just waiting for the big poster in Coles next February advertising Steak and BJ Day.