Moblogging under sedation. Just had my endoscopy, or so they claim. I don’t remember anything after the first drugs. Just feel like I’ve had a nice nap. Drugs are nice.
Month: September 2006
SSK Pics
More pictures from SSK last weekend, including me showing off my Noro sleeves and Mary-Helen and I geeking out over her phone.
RIP Crocodile Hunter
Holy crap! Steve “The Crocodile Hunter” Irwin died today from a stingray barb to the chest. And thus passes the only prominent Australian most Americans could name…
THIS IS A CRY FOR HELP. I JUST PLAYED, LIKE, TWO HOURS OF WORLD OF WARCRAFT. I know! I just leveled up in the realms of nerddom. My character is a troll priestess called “Mamorti,” which I have decided is Latin for “Boobs of Death.” In my defense, this was both a bonding exercise with my husband and a bit of a challenge. He now has to knit something for my sister’s upcoming baby. Ha!
Awwww, man! When is the Nike+iPod kit ever going to come out in Australia? I want to play the game! Waaaaaaahhhhhhh.
I Blogged Your Mom
For some reason, these “I Blogged Your Mom” T-shirts really make me laugh. I want one. (Thank you to Bex for telling me about it.)
Cassette Generator
You can make your own too!
Stitch and Bitch
Me and Mary-Helen at SSK. Lots of people venturing out to knit in the sunshine!
Booty Bag
Felted Pirate Queen Booty Bag. I like it! I’ve never done any “double knitting” (as in, two colour double knitting to produce a reversible fabric) or felting/fulling before. I wonder if I could get it done before Talk Like a Pirate Day… (Link courtesy of miftik.)
Underground Notre Dame Glossary
Underground Notre Dame Glossary. Even though I haven’t been on campus in literally YEARS, it’s good to know how many things stay the same. But what the hell is “Legends”? Did Senior Bar change its name? That sucks. “Legends” sounds like a crappy Vegas variety show. (I hope they at least kept the shuffleboard table.) And did I mention that fellow PW alum Kriegel actually found a way for us to watch the game here in Sydney? She tracked down some other Domer Down Under who apparently has some complicated Internet setup that will *hopefully* stream the game to us here. And just like that, I’m off tomorrow morning for Kegs and Eggs. Good times. (Link courtesy of my Roomater.)