
Did anyone else in Australia watch Rushmore on TV this week? Either our TiFaux had a huge hiccup, or Channel 10 cut the hell out of it. There was the scene where the teacher tells him she’s too old for him and they shake hands, and then after a commercial they went directly to the part where Bill Murray apologizes for Max and says he shouldn’t have let him drink alcohol. It’s been a long time since I saw the movie originally, but wasn’t there a dinner scene with Luke Wilson somewhere in there? And wasn’t there another play by the Max Fischer Players? We only saw the one at the big finale. I was really confused. (Granted, I was in a candy coma…)

Halloween Pictures

Halloween Meat CakeOur Halloween pictures are up!
What’s that? Oh yeah, it’s a Halloween Meat Cake. Pretty sweet, huh? The Snook and I just finished off the rest of the leftovers today. Apologies to the guests that I didn’t get a good picture of. I’m sure the four photobloggers in attendance will have some other good shots to share!

Update: Andrew, Morgan, Amy, and Rob have all posted their photos.

Heroes of Australia

Our 4th Annual Halloween Extravaganza went even better than I’d hoped! The creativity and fun of our friends never fails to astound me. I’ve got a lot more photos to upload – including some of the Snook’s greatest culinary creation to-date, the Meat Cake – but here’s one to tide you over:

Jolly Swagman, Steve Irwin, and Ned Kelly

The Snook and I had settled on a theme of “Heroes of Australia” for our costumes this year, and to our surprise Andrew‘s costume fit right in as well. I’m dressed as the Jolly Swagman from Waltzing Matilda. (Note my authentic cork hat, billy can, and the jumbuck in me tucker bag.) Andrew is, of course, dressed as Steve Irwin. Complete with a scary looking barb poking out of his chest. (When he came in the door I was like, “You DIDN’T!” And he was all, “BUT I DID!” Brilliant.) And last is the Snook, dressed as Australia’s most famous bushranger and outlaw: Ned Kelly. (You can admire the craftsmanship of his armour by comparing it to the originals.)

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some meat cake to eat for breakfast…