Month: October 2006

  • How Many of Me

    Out of 300 million Americans, how many share your name? There are only 84 Kristine Howards in the whole population! (And good grief, there are ZERO Rodd Snooks.)

  • Urge to Kill Rising

    Urge to kill rising…
    My Knitting Nemesis is at it again. I went out into the shop at midday so Chrystalla could go to lunch, and the first thing I noticed was that it was FREEZING. The air con’s been on all morning and it was much too cold for me in a T-shirt. Meanwhile, over in the corner is my nemesis with the a few ladies from the Knitting Clinic. “Is that air conditioning too cold for anyone else?” I asked. “Oh yes,” they all nodded. So I stuck my head back in the office and asked Chrys to shut it off. The arctic blast subsided. “Oh, thank you,” one of the ladies said. “That’s much better.” I smiled. “I know! I was freezing. I couldn’t stand it.” “I see,” sniffed the Knitting Nemesis. “You shut it off because it was for your own benefit.”


  • Grumpiness.

    The Snook would attest that I am much grumpier than him in the mornings. I need more sleep and I’m just not a morning person.

  • Fake Pumpkin

    This is the most amazing thing ever. My Mom sent me a big ol’ box of Halloween stuff this week, and inside I found… a pumpkin. WHA–? A BIG FAKE PUMPKIN. It’s made out of some space-age foam stuff and you can actually CARVE IT. Oh, the things you can get in America! Thanks to Mom, Snookums has just carved his first jack-o-lantern.


  • Gender-bending novels

    This AskMetaFilter question interested me. Can you think of books written by a woman that sound like they’re written by a man? (Or vice versa.) I’m nearly finished with Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke, which seems to fit the bill.

  • Still sick.

    Still sick. I managed about five hours at work today. And what little energy I have is consumed with planning for this weekend’s HALLOWEEN SHINDIG. Blogging will resume once I can breathe properly…

  • Home sick.

    Home sick. Mucus monster. Grrr. Arrrgggh.

  • Weekend Update

    Weekend Update: My knitting mojo has returned, I’m happy to say. My hands are aching with the effort of constructing the Cutest. Outfit. Ever. for my impending nephew. The Snook also took me to see Little Miss Sunshine, which I’d been hearing rave reviews about. To be honest I didn’t laugh that much. I enjoyed it (way more than Kevin did, actually) but none of it struck me as knee-slappingly hilarious. (And whoever it was at Knitting Guild who said she cried? I did not get that at all.) I do think that Olive did a better version of that song than Bobby Flynn did.

    And the other thing I did? I caught a cold. I feel like crap.