Month: December 2006
We finally saw Casino Royale Saturday morning. (The Snook doesn’t like to watch movies when there are, you know, other people in the theater.) He was watching it with the eyes of someone who’s read all the Bond novels and seen all the films, and he seemed to enjoy it a lot. He giggled for…
Sometimes I’m just readin’ along on MetaFilter when I see a headline that makes my jaw drop. Today it was the fact that the incidence of the most common form of breast cancer dropped 15% over the course of one year. Holy crap! What was the reason? Scientists are attributing it to the fact that…
Where’s Sam Jackson when you need him?Y’all will probably chuckle at this story of a seven-foot python being pulled out of some Australian’s lady’s toilet. It’s your basic quirky “Believe it or not” type of fluff journalism. EXCEPT THIS STUFF REALLY HAPPENS. I remember not long after we moved out here, Ma Snook brought down…
“Knitting for Adults Only.” Bah. Like San Francisco knitters are somehow more cool and edgy than the rest of us? Knitty did their Sex & the Knitty issue two years ago!
Even though I find the concept horrifying, I’m pretty sure my Dad would feel like the Hunter of the Millennium if he shot a seven-legged hermaphroditic deer. *shudder* More pictures here. I always knew Wisconsin was weird.
…with club sauceHistorically I’ve not been one to wear lots of buttons, but I just might have to make an exception.
A-ha! I just met the mysterious Rose Red in the shop at last. Meeting someone whose blog you’ve been reading is always a surreal experience.
I’ve just finished reading Marie Antoinette: The Journey by Antonia Fraser. I picked it up on impulse at Kinokuniya a few weeks ago with the idea of reading it before the movie comes out later this month. It was fascinating! I discovered that I really knew very little about this period in history. As an…
“Is the Wii overrated?” Not according to Miss Jane and Fiona, who came over for a session on Wednesday night. Neither of these girls are “video gamers” at all, yet they were both squealing “I HAVE TO GET ONE OF THESE!” by the end of the night.
Well, that’s depressing. According to this UN report on aging (found via this Ask MeFi question), the median age of the human population right now is 26. This means I’m older than the majority of people alive in the world. AND SO ARE MOST OF YOU, PROBABLY!