Month: January 2007

  • Naked Harry

    Phwoar! That’s some pretty naked Daniel Radcliffe! I hope there’s a shirtless stable scene in the last HP book… (Link courtesy of Andrew, who is decidedly not an Old Perv.)

  • Heroes

    Hey, Australians: Don’t forget that Heroes starts tonight! It’s a must-see. (That is, if you haven’t already been, uh, watching it on the Internet.)

  • RunningBlog

    It appears that perhaps psorr was prescient. Despite not running for the past few days, I’ve just suffered a blinding pain in my left quad when reaching down for a book. I’m off to the physio in ten minutes. STUPID STUPID STUPID.

    Later: Turns out I have a small tear in this sucker. It’s not bad. I’m supposed to ice it for a few days and take it easy. I can walk, but not fast. The hardest thing is fighting the urge to stretch it. (I’m not supposed to.) It’s like poking a sore tooth. I just want to make sure it still hurts. Again, STUPID.

  • Caffeinated Doughnuts

    Caffeinated doughnuts?! We just might have to move back to America.

  • Braaaaains!

    Why do zombies like to eat brains? The deadpan seriousness of some of those answers cracks me up. “My guess is that they hunger for what they’ve lost: consciousness and the soul.” “Brains are rich in cholesterol, which is essential for maintaining cell membrane pliability, which is a particular problem at the low body temperatures typical of zombies in non-tropical climates.” “They eat them for the tannic acid, to keep their undead hides tough and leathery.” Still laughing…

  • Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts

    Calling all Dylan fans! (And by that, I mean Kevin and Eileen.) Last night I was crooning along to Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts* when the Snook confessed that he didn’t particulary like the song “because the plot confused him.” Funnily enough, I remember feeling the same way back when Eileen introduced it to me in college a dozen years ago. I don’t feel that way anymore; it’s like I’ve filled in all the missing details in my head. So I told him my interpretation, which basically sounds like a made-for-TV Western. I know that Dylan’s never officially outlined the plot. What do you guys think it’s about?

    * I was actually listening to the Joan Baez version. I prefer it. Eek!

  • NES

    Oh. My. God. Someone is selling every NES game ever made. I know I can’t afford them. I know I don’t have the space for them. Heck, I know we’ve already probably got most of them as ROMs on disk. I don’t care. I WANTS.

  • M&M’s

    Since all the cool kids are doing it, here’s me and the Snook as M&M’s.



    Make your own.

  • Darning

    Ooh, Bookmarking for Later: How to Darn Socks. That looks extremely useful. (Link courtesy of Julie.)