Month: January 2007

  • Google Australia Day

    Huh. The Snook just alerted me to the fact that Google will be aerial-photographing Sydney this Friday for Australia Day. They suggest that we all go out and hold up signs or spell out things with our bodies. Unfortunately for us, see that little chunk missing from the corner of the square? That’s Chippendale. Mongrels!


  • Bali Movie

    Hey, my friend Raelee was on the radio yesterday!


  • Dance Dance Librarian

    Okay, I just got a mental image of our own gadgetgirl frantically high-stepping it in a DDR showdown with a library patron. HA!


  • Opera in the Domain

    Opera (and Knitting?) in the DomainThis coming Saturday is Opera in the Domain, I was thinking of going down in the afternoon and staking out a prime spot… and maybe doing a bit of public knitting at the same time. Anybody want to join me? We can have a picnic! Picnic and Puccini…


  • How Expensive Decisions Get MadeThe Snook’s been griping about our five-year-old television for ages now, and he keeps suggesting that we go buy a new one. Me, I’m not picky. Why spend all that money? So I’ve been putting him off. Of course, this past weekend was stinkin’ hot and the only thing I felt…


  • Why you little…

    According to the BBC, dog owners lead healthier lives than cat owners. I was all set to be indignant about that til I remembered that we deliberately got a cat so that it’d be lazy like us. Oh, and my blood pressure rises ten points every time she pees on the bathroom floor. Definitely not…


  • Dark Mark Bag

    Behold, the Harry Potter Dark Mark Bag! Man, that is evil lookin’! I love it. (Thanks to customer Janice for sending the link.)


  • Wii Weightloss

    Yahoo says that playing Wii makes you lose weight. Excellent. Now I just have to work out how many Weight Watchers points you earn per hour…


  • Best of Bootie 2006

    Do yourself a favor and go download this Best of Bootie 2006 album RIGHT NOW. I saw it linked over on Max’s site this morning and ended up listening to it through my (loooong) run today. It’s awesome!


  • Accent

    What American accent do you have? I apparently have a “Midland” accent, which “is just another way of saying ‘you don’t have an accent.’” And yes, even after more than five years in this country, I still say “marry,” “Mary,” and “merry” all sound the SAME.
