Leanne dragged me back to yoga last night for the first time in, like, a year. I’m sooooo sore. Bring on the coffee!
Month: January 2007
Helms Deep
Helms Deep recreated in candy. Sweeet. Except now my inner monologue is going to sound like Fez all day… (Link courtesy of John.)
BOOK IT! Oh man, I was waaaay into the Book It! program. (For non-Americans, it was a scheme to get kids reading by awarding them free Pizza Hut personal pan pizzas whenever they’d finished a certain number of books.) All of mine would’ve been redeemed at the Kendallville Pizza Hut. I can remember the big purple button I had, and the gold foil star stickers the waiter would add each time you came in. I might have to get one of those old-school T-shirts… (Link courtesy of miftik.)
Earlier tonight I was checking out Orlando tourist attractions to figure out how far they are from my Grandma’s house. (Couch surfing rules.) Idly I clicked on the Kennedy Space Center website, when I noticed their Astronaut Training Experience (ATX). OH. MY. GOD. It’s SpaceCamp for GROWNUPS. I managed to convince Snookums that this will be the 30th Birthday Present of All-Time. Then I stayed up til 1am so I could call Florida and book in our tickets. WE’RE LOCKED IN BABY! April 12th, yours truly is gonna get strapped into the multi-axis trainer to do her best Lea Thompson while Snookums puts on his best Tate Donovan. “Jinx and Max, friends forever!” -
One-Way Car Rental
One-Way Car Rental
The Snook and I are finalizing plans for our trip to the States in a few months, and one of the last hurdles is arranging ground transportation. We were hoping to do a bit of a road trip to Florida and then fly on to London from there, but the price of one-way car rentals is RIDICULOUS. As a last resort, I’ve found several great deals (not one-way) in Indiana with unlimited mileage. That would require us driving all the way back though. Have any of you done anything similar? Anybody have any suggestions?(What I’m hoping to hear: “Hey, Kris, my cousin’s been looking for somebody to drive his car from Indiana to Florida!” What I’m expecting to hear: “You’re screwed.”)
Pork Postage
China is introducing sweet-and-sour pork flavoured postage stamps. That is awesome.
Irish Cocaine Use
Wow. The BBC is reporting that 100% of Irish Euro notes carry traces of cocaine on them. 100%! You’ve gotta imagine that other Western countries would have similar rates. (Except for Australia. We got plastic money. You can just wipe this stuff clean!)
HOLY CRAP – the iPhone is real! How did they get the rights to the name? This is the friggin’ coolest thing I’ve ever seen. The keynote must have been unreal. My only disappointment is that I’m going to have to limp along with my current crap phone for at least another year til they bring them out here.
The Real World
HA! MTV have officially confirmed the Real World news that I reported a month ago. They’re being coy about the house location though. Whatever! It’s in Darling Harbour. I might have to go on a reconnaissance mission this week.