Month: February 2007

  • Me and a Very Alive Hill

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    I’m at the Sing-a-long Sound of Music with just about every gay in Sydney. There are nuns, Nazis, girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes…

    The Next Morning: Oh, my aching head. Every time I closed my eyes all night, all I could hear was “DOE – A DEER – A FEMALE DEER!” Here’s some more information on the show for those that are interested, and Amy will no doubt have some pictures up on Flickr soon.

  • WTC Cross Stitch

    This morning I helped an Australian customer in the shop who wanted to have a photograph turned into a cross stitch. The photograph was of the World Trade Center. (Not smoking or anything – thank GOD – apparently they’d taken it on vacation the year before.) I was a little stunned at first… but then I remembered that we have and sell tapestries with the Titanic on them. Give it another twenty years and nobody will bat an eye, I guess. Still, who hangs something like that in their living room?

    I wonder if they call them freedom knots?

  • A Decade

    How much have you changed in 10 years? According to that quiz, I have changed 56%. Moving continents tends to have that effect.

    You’ve done a good job changing with the times, but deep down, you’re still the same person. Your clothes, job, and friends may have changed some – but it hasn’t changed you.

    (Link courtesy of crumpet.)

  • NFP is effective BC

    Good to know. It appears that the Catholics may be on to something after all. German research has shown that the “symptothermal method” of natural family planning is as effective as the Pill. Huh. I would not have guessed that. (Link courtesy of Staci.)

  • A rumour I overheard*

    The real reason Britney shaved her head is because K-Fed threatened to have her hair tested for drugs in their custody battle!

    * Well, not so much “overheard” as “read on Kelly McMahon’s Google away message, which functions as her defacto blog.”

  • Me, Sal, and Big Mary

    Two famous ladies pulled into Sydney last night: Sal Scherer and the Queen Mary 2! The whole city turned out to gawk at the big boat today.

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  • The Design Disease

    The Design Disease. While I am by no means a graphic designer AT ALL, I do think I exhibit some of the symptoms of this malady. Bad kerning, fonts, and colours definitely bother me. I have been known to rant about really bad logos (like the new one for Freedom). I definitely pick wine based on the labels, and I’m drawn to books with eye-catching covers. I wouldn’t say I actively collect good design (yet) though…

  • Comment Spam

    The comment spammers are driving me nuts today. I may have to escalate the war. Possible options include forcing you to use a Captcha (which somewhat annoys me when I have to do it on other people’s sites) or requiring commenters to formally register (which REALLY annoys me and I never do it on other people’s sites). Any other ideas? Would either of those strategies keep you from commenting here?

    Afterthought: Hmm, what about putting a time limit on how often you can comment? Would, say, an enforced one-minute wait between comments suck too much? Might even cut down on some of the double posts, I guess…

  • Wii Related Stuff

    How much do I love my friends? This morning Eva e-mailed me a link to the forthcoming High School Musical videogame. SQUEEEE! And it’s going to be for Wii! And then Bex sent me a link to a pattern for a drawstring Wiimote carrying bag. Fun Monday so far!