Now here’s a fun question: How high would a tower have to be in order to be seen from both US coasts? I like math geeks.
Month: March 2007
Delicious Irony
Delicious Irony
April 2006: Chicago bans foie gras.
March 2007: Chicago has wild goose problem.Links courtesy of the decidedly carnivorous Snook, who adds (in a Nelson voice): “Ha, ha!”
ARGHHH. Seven staff absences in five days. This is getting ridiculous. Anybody want to work in a knitting shop? (I’m so looking forward to my vacation. Only one more week…)
Square knitting needles and crochet hooks. That’s so weird. They claim they’re way easier on your hands and arms and that they produce extremely uniform tension. I’d be interested in testing thing. (Link courtesy of not martha.)
How much caffeine do you consume in a day? Check out this online calculator. Just click the green arrows next to the things you drink. Two bottles of Diet Coke puts me around 180mg, which they describe as “in the zone.”
Tracey’s preggers!
Holy crap, Tracey and Regan are having a baby! Congratulations, guys! Let’s just hope the Sydney photobloggers aren’t invited to the birth… 🙂
Puffy Sleeve!
That’s ONE puffy sleeve!
One sewn in, one to go. It’s a wonder I even had the energy. What a week! In three days, we’ve had FIVE staff absences in the shop. Basically, this means yours truly (aka The Go-To Girl) was on her feet and serving customers non-stop. Normally this would’ve provoked a massive rant, but I’ve actually had nothing but really nice people. We had an American tourist who basically hung out with me for two hours today. On her vacation! Two hours! So at least the days have gone by quickly. And then I actually spent two hours tonight of my precious knitting time staying late to parcel out the Knit Picks (because I know y’all are itching for them). Now that’s dedication. Anyway, one side of the cardigan is now complete except for the kitty faces. The sleeve wasn’t too difficult to sew in, but as I was rounding the back of the shoulder I let fly with a string of obscenities. There, STARING ME IN THE FACE, were three random purl stitches interrupting my lovely blank canvas of stockinette. What the–? Did I go momentarily insane? I continued sewing in the sleeve while meditating on my options. I could chalk it up to an Amish mistake and just hope no one notices… or I could deal with it. The Snook was surprised to see me preparing for surgery. “You don’t understand,” I said through gritted teeth. “My Knitting Nemesis is also entering the competition, and I WILL NOT STAND to have her see such a glaring error on my piece.” So before I could talk myself out of it, I snipped. I snipped and I unravelled and I made a great big hole in the jumper I’ve been killing myself to knit for the past month. Then I picked up the stitches with some DPNs and began the painstaking process of grafting the stitches back together. (I should mention again that this is black 4-ply. Somewhere my optometrist is moaning in his sleep.) I cursed and I stressed and I had to make, like, three false starts, but I got there in the end. Once it’s pressed, you won’t notice a thing. And I’ll be able to sleep at night. Hey, isn’t that a nice puffy sleeve? -
You heard it here first: THE KNIT PICKS ARE HERE! I’m unpacking the box at this very second. We’ve also got megatons of Debbie Bliss, including the Pure Silk (which is absolutely divine) and lots of Cashmerino in multiple thicknesses.
Knitting Article
I just discovered that I’m quoted in this article about knitting entitled “Street art goes soft.” I think I remember giving the interview a while ago. (It gets hard to keep track of all my media appearances, dahlings.) She got one thing wrong though – we never had anyone from Quitline at the Knit & Quit classes. We tried, but apparently they have ZERO budget to support anything other than the phone lines.
Crazy Muncie
Crazy Muncie. The Snook sent me that link.