Month: March 2007

  • Did somebody say…

    Did somebody say… PUFFY SLEEVE?

    Puffed Sleeve   My Birthday Dinner

    It appears that my meticulous calculations have worked! The first puffy sleeve is finished and it’s just about as perfect as I could’ve hoped for. I need to give both pieces a good ironing before I sew it in, but I’m 95% sure this pattern is a keeper. You can see how it looks on my arm here. Now I just need to knit another one and finish the thing off! Easy peasy.

    And that second photo? That’s the amazing dinner the Snook cooked me tonight. (Vegetarians LOOK AWAY NOW.) It was a low-carb carnivore’s feast. Starting from the bottom, there’s a bed of mashed cauliflower surrounding a Scotch fillet steak wrapped in bacon, with fried duck’s liver on top. And what’s that funny white golf-ball-thingy? Oh, it’s truffle butter. (Seriously, I could eat a bowl of that stuff.) The sauce is a reduction of sherry and homemade veal stock, and there’s a side of green beans amandine. We washed it down with a few glasses of an excellent Australian red.

    You know, so far my 30’s really don’t suck!

  • Secret Pal

    W00t! Finally got my Secret Pal match. It’s going to be so hard for me to hide my identity! I can’t keep secrets. And if whoever has me is visiting, hello! My questionnaire is here.

  • Beware the Ides of March!

    Beware the Ides of March!
    Yours truly is now a Woman of a Certain Age.

    Staring down the barrel of my 30's

    I was reminiscing this morning about where I was ten years ago. I was a sophomore in college and we’d all gone to Boston with Eileen for Spring Break. It was a great week. About a dozen of us all met up to see Rent for the first time. I wanted to get a tattoo to mark my 20th, and as they were illegal in Massachusetts at the time (is that still the case?), we had to go to Connecticut. It was a big secret, because Eileen had gotten one a few months before and her Mom didn’t know about it, so we had to keep mine very hush-hush. I remember distinctly hanging over the back of a chair while the guy slowly inked the Korean characters on my lower back. Liz was filming the whole thing with her video camera (whatever happened to that tape?) and munching a Big Mac while circling around us. Later we went to Boston College to party with some of Reen’s friends, and I got ridiculously drunk playing Asshole. I was horrendously sick afterwards… and of course we then had to take the train back to Indiana, and I was sick for the entire 24-hour trip. Good times.

    Am I really so far removed from that girl? I don’t tend to imbibe to that excess anymore. I care less about fitting in with the crowd. I feel more confident in speaking up for myself. I don’t have swooning crushes on girly-boys who wouldn’t give me the time of day (except for Daniel Radcliffe). I feel pretty comfortable with my body. I still say “random” and “whatever” a lot. So maybe I’ve grown up a little.

    And now, drumroll please, Snookums has promised me a very special birthday present. Some of you have been waiting for this day for years. And here it is…

  • Comic Book Girl

    John will be so proud. Last night after work I ventured into Kings Comics and bought my first real, actual comic book. (The others I’ve been reading have all been trade paperbacks bought from bookstores.) And what did I get? I got the first two issues of The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born. I also asked about the upcoming Buffy Season 8 books and was told it should be here tomorrow! Nice b-day pressie. So this is what I don’t quite get, comic book fans: How do you know when new books come out? Do you just have to wait and watch on the comics sites?

  • Me and a ‘Tache

    Hey, here’s another picture of me from last weekend’s MetaFilter meet-up. And yes, zamboni’s ‘tache is definitely one to rival the Snook’s.

  • Embroidered SMS

    An artist in England is doing a new series where she cross stitches every text message sent to her. Including stupid ones sent by Pete Doherty. Hey, anything that’ll get the “kids” into embroidery, I guess!

  • RIP Stardust

    How depressing. The Stardust Casino in Vegas – where we stayed on our wedding trip in 2004 – was destroyed to make way for a new mega-resort. Snookums is already scouring eBay for memorabilia.

  • Bye bye 20’s

    And it’s here at last… the last day of my twenties. In the past week I’ve had lots of people tell me that the thirties rock, that they’re way better than the twenties. I’m worried that they may be LYING. What do you think?

  • Kitty Kat Cardy Update

    I’ve been dealing with some contrasting impulses this week. On one hand, the cardy bodice could look really cute as a vest. But do I wear vests? Not really. On the other hand, knitting long sleeves in the next ten days is going to kill me. Then last night I had a brainstorm: I could put short sleeves on it! And not just any short sleeves – PUFFY SLEEVES. Yes, that’s going to push the whole thing so far over the cliff into the Land of Twee that the world might implode. But I don’t care! It’s already going to have EMBROIDERED KITTY FACES on it! I think we may even be venturing into Alannah Hill territory here! Maybe I can sell the design to her for next year’s collection! The very concept of puffy sleeves is making me CRAZY!

    But yeah, they’re tricky to knit. Bex gave me some helpful advice and I’ve filled several pages with scribbled calculations tonight. But it just might work…