Month: March 2007

  • Giant Cadbury Creme Egg

    Giant Cadbury Creme Egg. ACK! The Creme Egg is secondly only to the dreaded Peep on my list of Candy Enemies. (Link courtesy of Bex.)

  • Easter Show Quandry

    I’m looking at the 2007 Arts Schedule here, and under “Special Arts Regulations” it says this:

    9. Exhibits (with the exception of quilts, weaving and spinning) which have been washed will be disqualified.

    Huh? Do they really mean that? I had been planning on giving the Cabled Jacket of Doom a gentle hand wash and then a blocking, but it sounds like they’re saying they’d boot me for that. What’s the problem with washing, anyway? All my stuff is covered in cat hair!

  • Dogster

    My sister’s dog Buster has his own page on Dogster. That kind of cracks me up.

    There’s a Catster site too, but I think a Flickr page is enough for one cat, isn’t it?

  • Nintendo = happy

    Nintendo guru wants more happy games. See, that pretty much encapsulates my whole issue with the video games industry. There are just too many “dark” games based on violence and horror. I want to play fun stuff that challenges while still making me smile.

  • Stella Mayhem

    Stella McCartney Target Mayhem. Dude, maybe I won’t go to Bondi Junction tonight after all. (Link courtesy of Bex.)

    Later: Holy crap. I guess there’s no point in going. They cleaned the place out. And get this:

    The most popular items were McCartney’s much-hyped trench coat in grey and navy – just 6000 are available Australia-wide…

    SOB. That’s what I wanted! If any of you happen to find youself in a Target that has the Stella trench in a size 14, BUY IT. I will reimburse you. Black is preferable, but I’ll take any.

  • Go girls!

    Wow. Thirty-five years after admitting women, Notre Dame finally elected an all-female ticket to the office of Student Body President and Vice President. Well done, ladies!

  • MeFi Meetup

    Photos from Sunday’s Metafilter Meetup. Those are some great folks, and I such a good time I put my knitting away after only five minutes. The only negatives: beer at the Australian was over EIGHT DOLLARS A PINT, which is a rort. (Although it did keep me from drinking very much.) And then seven hours later I puked up my dinner, which I can only attribute to possible food poisoning from the salad I had. (Like I said, I didn’t drink much.)

  • Kitty Kat Cardigan Bodice

    Cardy Bodice

    That there is the body of my Argyle Kitty Kat Cardy FINISHED. Well, not technically finished. I have to weave in a million ends and embroider on the white diagonal lines and the cat faces, but the actual knitting is done. (I used a three-needle cast off for the shoulders.) Folks, that is a total of eight days from start to finish for that sucker. And did I mention it’s in BLACK 4-PLY? I’m a little amazed myself. I was helped by the fact that halfway through the week I checked my row gauge and realized that doing five diamonds up the front was going to make it too long. I fretted about the non-symmetry of only doing four, but the girls at the guild meeting today convinced me it’d be fine. So that saved me 20% of the expected time.

    As of this moment, I have exactly thirteen days left before the exhibits have to be turned in. And of course, I still have to knit the sleeves. Anyone want to take bets on whether I make it?

    And in health news, I think I’m feeling better. My temperature seems to have stabilized and my throat isn’t getting any sorer. Of course, this damn bug might just be incubating til my holiday starts…

  • Home. Sick.

    I started feeling crappy yesterday at work, and today I’m officially running a fever. My throat is starting to get sore. I think I’m finally experiencing a visit from the Dreaded Summer Flu, which has claimed many a victim in the past month. On the upside, I slept in til 11:30 today.

  • Atkins Results

    Study backs worth of Atkins diet. Interesting reading. I don’t know that I’ve lost any significant weight yet (mostly because I’ve done very little exercise) but at least I haven’t binged in the past two weeks. So that’s good.